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Everything posted by mega

  1. nicotine is as addictive as coffee.
  2. the Titanic was unsinkable. I could break it in a week lol.
  3. i chain vape 8 mg but today working on car i used my pv 3 times in 5 hours wow 8 mg to
  4. My truely favorite delivery system is the one that gets it in my body lol. so all of em
  5. the reo has a bottle of juice you squeeze to get some in the atty. its a bottom feeder.
  6. I want this so bad then if my employees piss me off bamm stfu sit down do some work lmao
  7. efin sweet. i was peeking in on one today. i like the off set connector
  8. dont worry bout it, 1 in a million chance. better chance of getting hit by a subway train
  9. a fresh one someone is smoking dont bother me it makes the craving come but the stale smell eww.
  10. i belive up the nose like those menthol cold inhasle thingys
  11. yep if im out all day i bring 2 full ce2's and if they run out I got my atty and juice. seems like a bunch but I dont go anyere without my car or work trucks. damn i drive to many vehicles lol.
  12. this tank wasnt build outta necesitty(cant spell) i kinda went on Shan B's ce2 tank design and added the clear tube on top kinda just to see the vapor, and the light well its a light lol. It aint pretty, or finished but it functions rather well. and it holds 7ml of liquid. maybe a trip to home depot is in order
  13. been thinking of that. need alota power.
  14. so they say here sniff this powder.
  15. im to the point were if you smoke ill talk to ya outside. smell stayed for hours
  16. smoking def was easier, but you dont need that many cartos, you need a atty and bottle of juice. make it easier going out for a day
  17. ya know a friend came over my house today and i was upstairs and smelled em. that smell is horrid now, i cant believe i smelled like that.
  18. theres this to .http://www.ecigexpress.com/flavoring-menthol-hot-cold-additives-c-16_42/liquid-caffeine-select-size-p-1072
  19. got bored made a tank,
  20. i just saw it looking for that sweetener. seems interesting. hmm, nic and caff. best of both worlds.
  21. giant gorrilla hands lol. i hold my e power and the atty is all that sticks out.
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