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Everything posted by mega

  1. im just gonna stock up lol. be like gold someday.
  2. mega


    oh now i see lol if i was running more power it would work. damn looks like i gotta buy a vv box mod
  3. mega


    so what do i use or should i just get,http://www.madvapes.com/Variable-Voltage-Regulator-Board-Kit-Rev-2_p_2994.html
  4. mega


    i acctually drew up something right quick.
  5. mega


    ok I thought of something in my head. If i were to get that little 5v booster at radio shack and wire the hot in to the hot output of a epower ground to ground and hot out to the hot on a atty carto? it would all be inside a tube that screws into my standard 510 epower. and would this be all i need for electronics? http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062599
  6. its a strong one. dont get used much
  7. i have a few flavors i could care less if nic is in em.
  8. what about those bars that you vape your alcohol?
  9. my nic level changes depending on what im doing. but i rarely go over 18 mg. mostly at 8 mg. taste is more important in my opinion.
  10. nic eperformance. if im around this year ill video the guys who do that down here on cape during the parade pretty good. but these guys rock, If i was going to war I want them behind me playing loud and strong. make the enemy think twice.
  11. i belive its the same principle of cigars,you dont inhale em but get alot of nic, because theres a acid in there that helps it absorb into the body. so im guessing the same applies for cigs.
  12. tractor supply has pg for 19.99 a gallon its pure and tested. onestopdiyshop.com has grat cheap flavors and myfreedomsmokes.com has nic cheap to. and I will have bobas bounty some day heheheheh and a liter of nic of 48 mg at myfreedomsmokes.com is 68 bucks you can go to my Thread called Mega's Mad Science, gotsome recipies there and a few others have some also.
  13. maybe ill try em been rockin ce2's for a while great taste in em though
  14. lol nah 80-20 mix pg-vg maybe im just lucky idk lol mmmm maple syrup.
  15. i can flood my boge 2.5 attys and dont leak for some reason, they just gurggle lol. if i blow throgh it it comes out. but no leaks, 510 e power.
  16. thats y i use ce2's there clear hold 1.8ml and taste great
  17. ok i guess i made a good DK tob i made it like 3 weeks ago and forgot about it. nice plesant sweet nutty flavor. its mixed at 8% 80- 20 pg-vg mix. 10 mg nic.
  18. TFA coffee clear is really strong. 1 drop to like 10ml is enough.
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