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Everything posted by mega

  1. yes thats my caprice. Ill be bored again next week plus i get a few body parts this week, then well paint. 3 months off work gets alot done. lol. check my facebook page i think its in my sig.
  2. ok i oredered a 5 pack of clearomizer ce2's and got a deal on 3 boge atomizers with 5 carts. and tips with these? what should i do first with the atomizer? and the clearomizers how to fill em easily. any input will be appreciated.
  3. got a little bored today so threw these on the whip.
  4. best way for anyone to make sure not to destroy e power batteries is to mark em. take a sharpie and write + and - also its best to number your batteries as well. This way you can diagnose if you have problems with one or the other. also marke the charger.
  5. thank you. one of these days im gonna design a really nice one. maybe as nice as that one I keep seeing thats chrome and engraved. ss something. this ones 3.6 volts but it seems to always pump out 3.86 so i guess im happy with this one lol. I dont know why but making these are addictive.
  6. got a little bored again today so whipped this up right quick.
  7. if attys are to frustrating for you stick with cartos
  8. bad dropper top? try pressing the dropper part down a bit, maybe not sealing.but when i add a few drops to mine i dont remove the carto. i know people say its bad but hey i got a epower and its sealed pretty good. plus i rarely see any under carto.if u got a auto battery dont do as i did.
  9. agree with all of the above except one thing, the whole ego thing. yall are right about the 510 thing how its a great set up, but for a pv and just starting out. I would go right for a e-power. I have a 14650 e power, came with 2 batteries, 5 cartos, cone, button protector, and a really nice carboard box lol. I only say this because if an ego battery dies it dies. with the e power you still got your shell just get a new battery. also i vape alot. about 2ml aday and 1 battery lasts me all day. cost wise I think its the way to go, buts thats JMO.
  10. its all good can answer some. a flooded carto will gurgle and wont vape. you can fix this by blowing it out. filling the carto the way you do is the easist nd for the liquid at the bottom, just pull condom down a bit and squezze the hell outta it and suck the mouth end. (not to hard). then blow them one time thru mouth, clean threads, blow thru thread end one time. and with a carto, keep it moist, add a few drops from time to time.just from mouth end. As for nicotine, im gonna guess on this, but real smoke will penetrate the stuff in your lungs to be carried to your blood faster. with vaping you have to realize water is alot thicker than smoke, the water dropplets dont penetrate as well hence higher mg. you honestly dont even need to inhale vapor just let it sit in your mouth to be absorbed, but i like to inhale. lol. hope this answered some and not confused ya. damn i need another english class lol. edit: question 4: there are approx 20 drops in a ml. and for the drops per inhale. dont worry bout that just enjoy ur new pv and do try to over think this. trust me your brain will hate you if you anaylize everything. not being mean btw.
  11. higher vg will make more vapor but i find if useing high vg you need to dillute it with vodka or distilled water. if ya dont it has a very hard time wicking.
  12. 2 wekks hmmm idk if any battery would last that long. I use 4 aa 2000 mah batts in my box mod and its good for 2 days. so at 10000mah in theory and just dividing 2000 by 10000, wouldn't you get 5 days? I just searched myself for it. cant find it anywere
  13. GRRRRRRR... I feel really stupid, I don't understand ohms law. or is say how to figure out your wattage. This would be a good thing to know since I like to build mods. Whats the formula to calculate watts, ohms in a easy to read 4th grade level lol.sorry its 6 am and i completely am blanking math class.
  14. IMO I would just check the box saying you dont smoke. better rates plus in a way you are not lieing.
  15. honestly since ive picked up my first e cig back on oct 16 2011 i have had a few cigs. get a craving once in a while but seem to manage. but I still have a couple a month but I say hey at least it aint 2 packs a day anymore. and was 2 packs for almost 20 years. My epower seems to keep me in check lol
  16. i use 1.7 ohm ressutectors and some smoktech 2 ohm cartos and at a 70-30 mix works great. no wicking issues, stays moist and can hit it alot. just top it up with like 6-7 drops every hour or so.
  17. I already have my dream car lol. it aint pretty but its mine and paid for. plus alot of engine goodies...
  18. hows that case it came in? been looking at one of those but don,t know if there worth it. can you fit a good amount of stuff into it?
  19. go into cvs , rite aid and ask pharmasist if they sell it. ive only seen vg on the shelfs in 6 oz bottles. 5.79 is the cheapest here.
  20. might have to give it a try, i have some tpa coffee clear and its not exactly what i was looking for. I drink black coffee lol.
  21. all my cartos are 1.7 ohm and 2.0 ohm. so it get hot quick
  22. went down to the hobby store today, found all kinds of lights, leds, etc pre wired plus some pretty nice switches. so maybe i might go get a vv regulator and wire it in. and dress it up a bit. idk all i know is im addicted to making pv's. kinda sad they didnt have any of the volt displays in. so guess gotta hit madvapes up for some parts. but i did find so syringes there. they have a plastic curved end to them .
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