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Everything posted by mega

  1. the m type, dk tob, and ry4 flavors from tpa i cant get enough. I find now though im missing a little menthol
  2. i been hearing that alot lately to.
  3. TPA has some nice flavors but on the one tobacco flavor one. even at 5 % its purfumey.
  4. that is just nasty. I dont think im having nuggets again
  5. ok I know I should prolly see a doc but want a little input. Ok about 2 years ago I cam down with H1N1 really badly, well because of that i belive I have had this cough since. I chalked it up to smoking and it seems to have gone away some since i quit. Now I do have a cig every once in a great while. like once or twice a month. but what gets me is yesterday the dreaded black crao came out yesterday for the first time ever. also i feel fine besides this damn cough. Has this happened to others?
  6. congrats. you basically started the same way i did. best advice i can, give would be to look into an e power. batteries are simple to charge and you get 2. check out madvapes.com, hoosier.com, nicotinehighway.com, rtsvapes.com, and one stop diy shop.com . these are a few places i use had no problems.
  7. my e power is the same sometimes u can hit it like crazy some times it cuts out. especially with anything under 2ohms
  8. im sorry thats impossible. since age 2 really. why aint she covered in pimples 400 pounds, and look like rosie odonnell
  9. every juice i make I let it steep at least 24 hours. they never tast right if ya dont. its weird. would putting juice in a warm area for a short time do the same, as in like tea.
  10. mega

    E Power

    Ok I have a 14560 epower with the hard plastic switch. Is there another switch available? any mods to it? also will the new hard chrome 18650 e power switch work on it?
  11. i used to love cartos until I got my order yesterday. 3 attys new drip tip and 5 ce2 clearomizers. If ya got patience to fiddle with em, the clearomizers so far give me outstanding flavor over a carto, as for the attys, they are my first ones but love em, so much easier.
  12. were can i get pg up there. its impossible here same with flavors. I accidentaly found a few flavors in wally world on clearance. plus I also need vg bad.
  13. imo auto batteries and attys are a bad combo. at least mine never lived long.
  14. sometimes it seems to linger in the room like smoke. curious what a air test would say.
  15. got em in really fast to. not affiliated with em but I like that nicotine highway. prices were great and these attys rock. also the ce2's I picked up after a little bit of vids and tinkering, well they work great.
  16. on atomizers sould i do a dry burn first thing? If so instructions on the best way would be great. also on cleaning them. ce2's i found how to fill em and seems pretty easy
  17. kitsune you hit it right on the head. I was just gonna say that about the add. If you have ADD or ADHD and you take a stimulant it will calm u right down. trust me ....Mr. Add over here lol.
  18. hey mike since you live sorta in the area. is there any places up by you that sell e cig supplies? Be kinda nice if there were since i gotta go to Attleboro on Sat. ya get a new bumper lol.
  19. nope not donked nor will ever be lol. everytime I see a donk I wanna first, begin vomitting repeditly, second I wanna slap the hell outta the retard that put a 6 in lift and 26 in rims on a car. come on buy a truck. lol.
  20. now for my next one. more wattage is more heat correct. so in theory im not looking just guessing. on a 5v mod you would want a higher ohm so you dont get a burnt taste.
  21. I use 10 % water. in my vg. seems to work very well between that the flavor and the pg unflavored nic, it comes out with a nice consistincy.
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