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Everything posted by mega

  1. total to date spent on e cigs and upplies is..................approx $230 and still have enough nic and flavors to last another 3 months or more
  2. same here tryed it all no luck. i honestly feel a e cig might have aved my life lol.
  3. wow i found a site online and this topic kinda made me thinking. so just read and maybe this might help. http://esmokersmag.com/2009/03/26/glycerin-and-the-acrolein-problem-anyone-vaping-vg-read-this/ ASIDES Glycerin and the ‘Acrolein problem’ anyone vaping VG read this Syndicated on March 26, 2009 ⋅ Email This Post ⋅ Print This Post ⋅ Post a comment Hello everyone I am studying chemistry and have done a lot of research on the PG vs VG debate. You can read in detail my posts on this subject here: http://www.e-cigarette-forum.com/for...ycerine-6.html But to get you interested here are some facts: Propylene Glycol (PG) has a boiling point of 188 degrees Celcius and there are no breakdown chemical reactions before this temperature. It can't reach a higher temperature in an e cigarette. PG is very safe in the quantities used when e smoking unless one is allergic. Glycerol (VG) has a boiling point of 290 degrees Celsius which is far higher than PG so obviously it is less efficient at vapourising which makes PG the winner as an e smoking liquid. VG might make visible vapour but it is guarateed to vapourise less liquid and nicotine in total using the same energy generated from the ecigarette by the laws of physics. But this is not the real concern, the real concern is that beyond 280 degrees VG starts to break down into HIGHLY TOXIC ACROLEIN this 10 DEGREES LOWER that the biling point for VG! Now I dont think atomizers get hotter than 280 degrees normally but what about a malfuntioning one? I am not about to get acrolein poisoning to find out. Finally, the maximum efficiency of the atomizer is when the liquid reaches its boiling point. I'm sure that it reaches the BP of PG but if it did reach the BP of VG then you have acrolein sythesis. Two reasons not to use VG, but low efficiency aside Acrolein is not something you should risk inhaling. via: E-Cigarette Forum Tags: E-Cigarette Talk DISCUSSION 2 COMMENTS FOR “GLYCERIN AND THE ‘ACROLEIN PROBLEM’ ANYONE VAPING VG READ THIS” Thanks much for this post.I am a retired GCMS chemist and found your analysis spot on. I was also concerned with the combustion products of PG vs VG. When acrolein was mentioned as a combustion product of VG I’m wondering why ANYONE is recommending using glycerin as a vaping fluid !!! GOOD WORK. Posted by Lou Brousek | June 21, 2009, 3:13 pm The FDA in their recent report says that attomizers run at 45-65 Celsius Posted by Ashdaburned | July 30, 2009, 7:02 am
  4. i just feel like it is when you exhale vg thru nose it will condence so fast it feels weird like a fine mist of water in your nose. dont notice this with pg. in the ummer time it might feel good but not now.
  5. i hope because smell has.
  6. because u let your fingers do the walkin... sorry i just had to see these
  7. i ave alot its around 9 bucks a pack here o thats almost 20 a day x7 = 140 week x 52 = 7280. wow I didnt realize how much till i just did the math. I coulda had 2 more caprices, an impala and a bunch of parts. grrrr. oh well already I got a new paintjob well done by me but its better, new front end on my car. and I quit 4 months ago. now were can i sspend my money lol.
  8. im trying to kill off about 1.5 ml og vg juice just so I can mix a new pg batch in the bottle. lol I need more bottles.
  9. doesnt vg juice give a cooler vape were pg gives a warmer one? at least this is what i feel
  10. i feel that a cart iss good for about 2-3 analogs.
  11. ok I think I have come to the conclution that fruit flavors and vaping dont taste good to me. all my tob mixes are great. why do all my fruit ones taste like cough syrup or some type of foot? they smell great in the bottle but flavor sucks. damn you lorann. all my tob flavores from TFA perfect. except ry4 now. tastes weird in my ce2's
  12. i love how i smell good, im not killing myself, wel at least quicker, ill be around a lil longer for my kids, my car smells great, and stays clean, no more picking up butts off the ground, no more freaking out in the grocery store, it just goes on. I was linked to my cigs, you almost never saw me without one. also my teeth are whiter. and my dreaded 2 year smokers cough is slowly going away.
  13. ok i recieved my e power 14650 on chritmas of 2011. I use it everyday and was ver impresssed that i can go around 20 hours on a battery. well a little over a week ago i recieved my clearomizers ce2's, and 2.5 atty and wow. really wow. my ce2's taste great and one fill lasts me almot 24 hours. but the thing that impresses me the most is... my batteries, ever since i got my ce2's and attys it seems my batteries dont die. Im on over 24 hour on one and stilll going. i willl update when the battery dies. its 507am and i put the battery in around 4 am yesterday.
  14. maybe ill experiment with one im might debridge. i can ee the two small hole in it still so maybe my idea might work. idk i still got 3 brand new attys so....
  15. tell me about it. my pv toy collection is small. go in my basement all you see is car parts and tools. lol I think I want another car. 1 aint enough.
  16. use my 14650 e power daily and love it.i dont think i want bigger than it
  17. yep just need to figure out thr right amount of flavor to add ince they already are at 5%. heres how i mixed em. 10% water , vg, 100 mg pg. 5 % flavor. so as yta can see not much pg. I know 100 aint safe. recently cut a bunch to 36 mg.
  18. i KNow those have no hole. talkin bout regular boge attys. if we fill the hole will it work? if so that would fix any leaking problem right.
  19. got me looking at my cool mist vaporizor and a tarp lol.
  20. nothing will grow in your cartomizers, there a post somewere about it.
  21. OK to get back in topic, I like pg for many reason. If ya read my experiment on runny noses thats one reason, also the th i alot better and warmer. vg gives almot like im vaping a cool mist vaporizor, plus vg make me cough alot.
  22. there are tanks for ce2's that u dont use the tube. http://stormysvaporcellar.com/images/arry-tank.jpg
  23. maybe im just not a fruity flavor vapor lol. almot all my tobacco blend i mix are great. rootbeer tastes like soap to me. cola tasstes flat. added cheery to cola was a bit better. grape seems like your drinking grape juice.havent opened the rest of them yet.
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