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Everything posted by mega

  1. try a hook aka bent paper clip and do it as i aid in my long post.im gonna try to drill a hole in side and use a stopper for filling.
  2. i read the manual today. no mention of 5 click.
  3. Well I figured I start a place for all my recipes to go. Fruity M-Type 6ml M-type TFA Fruit Punch TFA 36mg nic 1.7ml 34 drops pg 3.8ml 76 drops m- type 10 drops fruit punch 4 drops
  4. well I revisited TFA fruit punch mixed a 8% batch of TFA M-Type then put in 4 drops of fruit punch. oh its lovely.
  5. I feel ya on the ce2's. But as for the problems you had I never had em. these are the ones I have. http://www.nicotinehighway.com/ce2-style-clear-cartomizer-5/ when i got them I had to search on filling, cleaning, etc. well I came up with my own little method. first thing I pop the thing open. first 2 rubber plugs out. then I use a hook to grab the 3rd one. wiggle it just a bit then move 180 degrees and wiggle that side pops right out. then i remove the tube. After it is all apart i grab the cramic cup and push it down a hair, put tube back on, then the 3rd plug goes back and thats it. fill it up, drip tip on, and vape. I use pg liquids now but have used high vg juice no problemss.you have to line the side slots up just right with the wick.theres a vid thats good ill find it for ya.
  6. try cleaning it, if no good prolly a bad carto.
  7. not to mention gas to go get cigs and tobacco. i dint even figure that in, I only get about 12mpg around town so it gets expensive.
  8. rtsvapes.com had alot of diy and they stock kosher usp grade vg. i used em for nic and vg and got it from start to finish 4 days. http://www.rtsvapes.com/category_s/46.htm
  9. welcome, i found some ce2's that dont leak.
  10. curse u jeff. curse youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
  11. mega


    stock up now.... welcome to the forum and on quitting analogs.
  12. agreed with last post. but you really shouldnt have problem in a ce2. i got em and ued 70-30 vg juice with no problems.
  13. mega

    E Power

    im gonna try my hand at a wood sleave. that is just amazing how that one was done.
  14. damn. i been earching and searching is there and different cones out there. also what ego stuff will work. besideds 510 cartos.
  15. i think i need to build some more
  16. might still use a tiny amount. unsure at the moment.
  17. with the ego cones fit a e power 14650?
  18. get ssome stuff impulse buy feed an american, do it, do it do it
  19. man go here and get these youll thank me later. http://www.nicotinehighway.com/products/Boge-510%7B47%7DeGo-Atomizers-and-Carts-Combo.html 3 atomizers and 5 carts for 16.95. boge attys, 2.5 ohmss. that way you can drip and taste.
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