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Everything posted by mega

  1. Ok there alot of questions going on by noobs about steeping, lr cartos, a million and one different things. We can help you noobs out here but you need to be patient. Dont start vaping one day with a penstyle one and on day two want to find out everything about mixing, everycarto out there, what lr stuff will work with the pen style. IM gonna be blunt and hope I dont offend anyone. THeres a old saying K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid. Stop confussing your self, our only gonna get confued and frustrated and give up. just go slow, start off buy asking simple questions, and when you are ready to move up the vaping chain,, then move into other stuff slowly. try out some stuff, dont decide on day 3 to go and spend almost 200 bucks on DIY stuff, sorry if im rambling but I feel some noobs just want to walk before they crawl. ok now onto technical. mod= and pv that is not a pen style, aka ego, epower, reo, provari, etc LR= low resistance SR= standard resistance tank= either a 3ml or 6ml carto mod. PV= personal vape TH= Throat hit ce2= a fillerless cartomizer PG= propelyne glycole vg= vegitable gycerine those are some of the terms if anyone got anything to add pop it in . Ohm's law describes the relationship between electric current, resistance, and voltage. Ohm's law states that electric current is directly proportional to voltage and inversely proportional to resistance [1]. This relationship can be shown with the mathematical equation I = V/R where I is the current in amperes, V is the voltage in volts, and R is the resistance in ohms. Ohm's law can be used to determine the amount of electrical power the atomizer an e-cigarette has. Electrical power is product of the atomizer's resistance in ohms and the amount of current running through it in amperes. For example, if a user knows that his battery is operating at 3.7 volts under load and the atomizer has a resistance of 2.2 ohms they can use Ohm's law to figure out the current as shown below: I = V/R I = 3.7 volts / 2.2 ohms I = 1.68 amperes Now, using the formula for electrical power, the amount of power in watts can be found: P = VI P = 3.7 volts * 1.68 amperes P = 6.22 watts Power is a good indicator of the type of vape you can expect. Generally, power e-cigarettes will range from 4 to 10 watts but most user's have found their sweet spots between 6 and 9 watts.
  2. oh god wtf 5 posts different topics all the same.
  3. let me guess this is the 4th time you copyed and pasted this.
  4. spam dont help out here 3rd time with same post
  5. welcome but you dont need to post the same post more than once.
  6. welcome but we dont smoke e cigs...... we vape!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. oh it will take it but fry the battery real fast. I know i fried mine with 1.7 ohms.
  8. good sh&t. i got a few resserectors around to. good cartos but finiky sometimes. I use em on my passthru alot and they are nice.
  9. i really like the second piece. nice marble effect imo.
  10. now i think im going to toys r us. for a ninja turtle, GI joe, Barbie, and some sculpty. lol.Barbie would be interesting were to put the button. lol.
  11. listen to Bob thats how to do it. i was careless at first and cooked one before. took it apart and the filler looked like someone took a cig to a pillow.
  12. thats a good idea. duh i never thought to do that first. maybe i should stop painting my car parts for a few days.
  13. will do i think i might know of a a place that has a whole unit
  14. im useing ce2's clear ones. they hold 1.8 ml 2.5 ohms but they have lower ohms in them to.
  15. less than 8 bucks i just might. let me do some diging, this is cape cod you can find alot of stuff just gotta look.
  16. i wish i never sold my atari had a original one wood grain and all.
  17. what lr carto is it. there are some bad resurectors going around. 1.7ohm ones.
  18. oh that joystci rocks i want one now your gonna make me go down to the thrift stores tommorow. and i might drop the ps controller. shape is just weird.
  19. hit it right on the nail. everything is replacable.
  20. agreed start small and work your way up. dont overwhelm yourself.
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