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Everything posted by mega

  1. ill teach you the secrets soon lookin for my camera. and thank you again for em.
  2. pg you have to drink alot i mean alot. they feed it to cows for ketosis. vg is dangerous.here a little article on it. Propylene Glycol (PG) has a boiling point of 188 degrees Celcius and there are no breakdown chemical reactions before this temperature. It can't reach a higher temperature in an e cigarette. PG is very safe in the quantities used when e smoking unless one is allergic. Glycerol (VG) has a boiling point of 290 degrees Celsius which is far higher than PG so obviously it is less efficient at vapourising which makes PG the winner as an e smoking liquid. VG might make visible vapour but it is guarateed to vapourise less liquid and nicotine in total using the same energy generated from the ecigarette by the laws of physics. But this is not the real concern, the real concern is that beyond 280 degrees VG starts to break down into HIGHLY TOXIC ACROLEIN this 10 DEGREES LOWER that the biling point for VG! Now I dont think atomizers get hotter than 280 degrees normally but what about a malfuntioning one? I am not about to get acrolein poisoning to find out. Finally, the maximum efficiency of the atomizer is when the liquid reaches its boiling point. I'm sure that it reaches the BP of PG but if it did reach the BP of VG then you have acrolein sythesis. Two reasons not to use VG, but low efficiency aside Acrolein is not something you should risk inhaling. heres a link to acroline poisoning. http://www.rightdiagnosis.com/c/chemical_poisoning_acrolein/intro.htm
  3. here a huge tip when vaping. If you find you are chain vaping watch out. dont overdo it. nicotine overdose will creep up on you and it aint fun. so my advice it dont chain vape or lower your mg down alot. I use 18 mg at work but if im home its down to 8 mg.I learned the hard way, felt like a heart attack was coming.
  4. not being rude at all, i know alot of people that would just put it on a shelf, not me id use the hell outta it. just yall got it alot easier, you have a lathe oh do i need one so bad. I like turning wood its fun.
  5. put em in a ziplock bag and use one of the mailing bags with bubble wrap in them. you can also wrap the bottles in bubble wrap. prolly cost like $2.50 to send em regular mail.
  6. maybe people just might get a 3ml sample who knows moneys a bit tight since i dont go back to work till middle of march. but maybe in a week or so ill be getting one going. I hope. but yeas I like your idea about a rating system. but what would go out would be marked only with pg/vg content and nic content. keep people guessing.
  7. it can be done but as mcquinn said not practical anymore. I have a 14650 e power all ai carry on a long day out it 1 spare battery a couple filled ce2's and a small bottle of liquid and a atty just in case.
  8. well i broke into my peacekeeper one it hasnt fully steeped but its damn nice needs a couple more days has a slight floral note, and a very satisfying vapor. I love this ne mix already, better than my original I think when I order my next amount of supplies I might have a little contest and have a little prize. just for fun.
  9. i dont even bother argueing with morons that tell me its a crutch i did it cold turkey, well good for you have a nice day thanks for coming out. not everyone in the world can do it cold turkey, I will be the first to say it. MY names Ted and im addicted to cigaretts. lol
  10. one was a auto batt 280 mah my fault i guess i shouldnt use that on that batt, the other was a 14650 1050 mah i know those handle it. but not this time. not one problem since i stopped useing em.
  11. oh I know exactly how much work is involved. thats why i prolly will make one myself, I wouldnt ask anyone to work a ton of hours on something to go into daily use.
  12. i got a big tub of those blocks. to bad there for my son lol
  13. something about the resserectors, they work great but fried now 2 batteries of mine. im staying away from them for now on.
  14. nice whats with the giant blue lego block? are you tryin to build us a clubhouse lol.
  15. ok i thought it was a flop well I went and added 1 drop of coffee, alot better. should be better after a long steep.
  16. im not to pleased with the marinade one. gonna let it sit more but might be a flop
  17. use it to get extra juice out over fill.
  18. i got the cheap ones from nicotinehighway.com and some of the brand name ones that come in the black box. idk were there from were a gift but you have to remove 2 of the rubber stoppers and play with the 3rd one to make it wick just right. almost like turning a faucet on or off. you can control how much liquid gets to coil. maybe ill make a video or do some pics of how to makeem work good.
  19. im not trying to be mean and if it is sounding that way im sorry in advance. Stop asking the same questions over and over, your confusing rhe hell outta your self. remember the old saying KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. just get the ego pasthru with a battery. you dont need a kit you have atty and cartos right. make the purchace.
  20. My Peacekeeper is my daily vape.
  21. the 30 ml one cost next to nothing to make.
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