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Everything posted by mega

  1. see told ya lol. when I get my supplies in a few weeks ill send ya some of my peacekeeper blend.
  2. again lots of coffee and a juice that is close to what ya used to smoke. its what keeps me offf em.
  3. prolly the chain vaping i do that alot lately, but 3 batts wow.
  4. theres another on the forum i suspect as one also.
  5. i hear ya its very fast for me to get em going approx 30 sec but in beginning took forever. I agree as well there not for everyone. there perfect for me at work i dont have to fidle with liquid.
  6. ok heres a little step by step. cant do a vid right now but pics are better than nothing. step 1 open package. step 2: remove the 2 "easy" plugs with hook instrument, bent paper clip, dental pic what not. step 3: screw it onto your battery. dont press button. step 4: carefully and slowly, take your time ith this one, wiggle the tube back and forth, gently pulling away from battery. step 5: remove the 3rd rubber plug set it aside you need it. this is what the plug looks like, notice the 2 notches in the side. step 6: reinstall the tube. best bet to flip it so the top is now the bottom, more than likely the old bottom will crack slightly. step 7: reinstall the 3rd plug the 2 notches need to line up perfectly with the wicks. make sure that it seats properly, theres a grove in the center that raps around the ceramic cup. DO NOT push the plug all the way down, it needs to be at the point were the bottom of plug is level with top of wicks. and if you put it up to a light you can barely see thru were the wicks are. then fill them but dont use a big needle use the one supplied. when putting it in one of the holes gently turn it so you don't misalighn the stopper. when it gets 3/4 way to top stop but dont remove needle, turn it upside down. Let it sit for about 10 sec, then turn it back squirt it till almost topped off 90% full, place mouth piece on and vape away, you dont need to other two plugs but dont toss em they might come in handy for something else.
  7. Bob your addiction to pv's might be more than when you used analogs. lol.your making me want a buzz now.
  8. most batteries say good for 300 cycles so if ya got 2 you technically are good for over s year 600 days if you charge one of them one time a day.
  9. yeah plus they are a little overpriced for what a little demon. come on.
  10. i been vaping almost 5 months now and the cravings will be there I know it Hell i smoked 2 pad for 20 years. so i kinda expect em, I smell them I want em, but I stay away .
  11. a little trick with little lables like that. a good eraser sometime removes stuff like that. I removed cell phone labels before like that.
  12. i have 2 14650 1050 mah batts i run 3.o-3.2 ohm ce2's on them and ill put a batt in around 5 am and it will last roughly 24 hours.
  13. i been wondering if i should get sweetener. I accually found stevia liquid english toffe flavor in shaws natural section. they got others but idk if it can be used anyone?
  14. drink lots of coffee it helps lol.yeah i get em i want a cig alot, but i just vape it away. the throat hit helps to.
  15. thank you sasetrase you said it in a little better way than i did. and at that price with liquid you cant get lower.
  16. i love my boge 2.5ohn ones. i got 3 plus 5 carts for 16 bucks plus ship
  17. ok i found it gonna give it a try next order.
  18. they sell em seperate here ya go 14.99 with cord. http://www.totallywicked-eliquid.com/products/e-cig-accessories-510-titan/titan-pcc-charging-case-product.html
  19. does tfa sell it never heard of it.
  20. ty finally someone has figured it out. that was my next try
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