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Everything posted by mega

  1. the black one looks like better quality than the stainless one.
  2. ive hear of people mixing sucralose with water and pg to make a sweetener. or just order some cotton candy flavor its ethol malto.
  3. I believe there is a adapter for these as well
  4. at that priced id try it at least. or get a 808 to 510 adapter and then you can use almost anything.
  5. was looking around and found this. I don't know how accurate or up to date it is, but It did give me the two stores in my state. http://www.e-cigarettedirectory.com/
  6. i order from my freedom a few times, decent liquid. heres a little directory if it helps. http://www.e-cigarettedirectory.com/
  7. you can order and pick up from http://www.myfreedomsmokes.com/ there in charlotte area.
  8. really you are the man jon, when i get my supplies ill send ya out a little something. you still got the address?
  9. depends on what atty you use. i have boge one 2.5 ohms and been using one of them foe over a month. i dont use carts tho just drip with it. but i dont drip alot either. but a atty runs from 5-15 bucks and carts if you have fluval u can put new filler in them and reuse em forever.
  10. battle la was sick, love almost all scifi movies but that one had the real factor in it.
  11. everytime i drip i get one or two puffs then its gross, de bridged and de wicked even worse. idk maybe im not a dripper. lol
  12. i went on vaporhead.net and cant find the juice anywere. i want to try the tobacco one.
  13. i think he is using that whole tobacco stufff. prolly why.
  14. my ketchup bottles aare the same plastic and my sons tylenol to.
  15. a carton for 40 bucks ha try 90 here and i went thru almost 1.5 cartons a week.
  16. i cough from it once in a while if i take a big puff or to fast.
  17. now your eally over complicating things and btw parabens dont harm you there in alot of stuff. do you shamppoo your hair, use soap etc. Parabens are a class of chemicals widely used as preservatives by cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. Parabens are effective preservatives in many types of formulas. These compounds, and their salts, are used primarily for their bactericidal and fungicidal properties. They can be found in shampoos, commercial moisturizers,shaving gels, personal lubricants, topical/parenteral pharmaceuticals, spray tanning solution, makeup,[1] and toothpaste. They are also used as food additives. Their efficacy as preservatives, in combination with their low cost, the long history of their use, and the inefficacy of natural alternatives like grapefruit seed extract(GSE),[2] probably explains why parabens are so commonplace. They are becoming increasingly controversial, however, because they have been found in extremely low concentrations in breast cancer tumors (an average of 20 nanograms/g of tissue).[3] Parabens have also displayed the ability to slightly mimic estrogen (a hormone known to play a role in the development of breast cancer).[3] No effective direct links between parabens and cancer have been established, however.[4]
  18. no help for you come back one year.
  19. wrong turn yes, still on topic well sorta, lol still no runny nose since switch
  20. :wallbash: Damn it. lol. Ok Ill just call it bleach lol.
  21. I dub my next juice WTF!!!! and the one after that OMFG! lmao no really i will
  22. foe some reason i cant stop looking at the gorillas lol
  23. lmao jeff you to much i hate to say it but so others dont get confused can you delete that one post with the weird sig or get rid of the sig
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