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Everything posted by mega

  1. it may help you can try and oxidize it also, let it sit uncovered for a while, no dropper cap at all
  2. i want one. might be perfect for us landscapers.
  3. ok its been a while and some experimenting, fastest way would be, microwave some water till before boil, next take out of microwave and place fresh liquid into water bath and let sit till room temp. liquid should be steeped enough at this point.
  4. congrats i found em by accident at tobacco shop.
  5. i dont care if someone catches me if my vapor is killing em that bad lol then they can just ^%$# me.lol. but i do say trying to vape and drive a mower is a little difficult thou.
  6. i had alot of leaking problems till i used a drip shield. great investment, even though i won it lol.
  7. I primarily buy from myfreedomsomkes.com but havent had there premade in a long time. but everyone is great. if your having taste issues like i did try only tobacco flavors for a while. 555, hilton, or a cowboy blend. the fruit ones never tasted right to me. As for DIY its not very easy and very frustrating sometimes. starting out if your trying to create rather than recreate you will waste alot of nicotine, pg, flavoe etc.plus most juice done diy cant be used right away. needs to steep. so since your are starting out not a clue what pv you have but heres a recomendation. keep a pen style for emergencies, and get a ego type passthru, some cartomizers and just relax, dont think to much about it, bet you never put much thought in when you went to the store and asked for a pack. just ask ask ask. everyone here is very helpful.
  8. seems like a interesting product, but theres one thought i keep thinking about. If you are vaping a hooka and the vapor goes thru water like, aka a real hooka wouldnt the vapor dissapeear or be less effective? would the cool water absorb most of the nicotine?
  9. theres laws here banning cigs from public places but most seem to understan pv's . was in the hospital and completely forgot were i was so i started vaping, well not 1 doctor, nurse, or security guard cared, but they care when a person is outside in the rain about 20 feet from the door trying to stay dry when they come out and say " you cant smoke this that close to the door go to the other side of parking lot" but i still get the ignorant people and two idiots at work that still think its smoke and refuse to change there mind. other than that cape cod is pretty tolerant on e cigs, and very strict on real butts.
  10. only time my stomach hurts is if i have to much nicotine. once you notice it try to not vape for about a hour see if it helps.
  11. deffinatly wont give up this time thats for sure. just be nice to sleep for a hour or two. maybe i should look into some pain managment
  12. get a quality pv and some refillable carto's. the njoy is crap, had one for 3 minutes, instantly broke out of the box. plus a good passthru will run about the same price. and as for the filler burning it happened to me ( pv was turning on in pocket) didnt realize it and took a big puff, lets say burning polyfill left me almost crawling to my inhailer.
  13. ok i have COPD was diagnosed on my b-day ( hell of a present). well the past 3 weeks have been hard, really hard, 3 weeks ago when I was still smoking i was coughing so bad to the point of vomiting mucus the pain was unbearable. 3 weeks go by not 1 real smoke and it seems like nothing helps, pain is still there mostly chest, neck, back hard to breath and almost every puff off my PV makes me cough very bad. The doctor told me my e cig was A GOOD OPTION AND TO STICK WITH IT. What i am wondering is, has anyone else experienced this? Been coughing for 2 years now will there be a time I stop coughing? Kinda makes ya want to sue tobaccoo companies for ruining my life.
  14. I have let some juice i made sit for 7 months tastes very very nice
  15. Always liked myfreedomsmokes.com
  16. Thanks y'all one good thing all my old juices have aged real nicely
  17. Whats up yall back around here. Had a long absence since last post, nded up smoking again till it put me in er. 4 days no cig now
  18. mad cheap here i cant find the 30 ml one on there anymore but im sure if you contact them they can help ya out. http://www.usplastic...25040&catid=750
  19. Ok heres my review of Bobas bounty and Raging *****. Boba's bounty Has a nice flavor but cant seem to pick a taste to it, complex taste. vapor production is excelent. and the throat hit is incredible. But I will say its not a all day vape for me. it is good maybe great. Raging ***** I have to say this maybe my all day vape. flavor is similar to bobas but not bobas. vapor is excelent , and throat hit it amazing. IMO this maybe the best juice out there. bobas i give a 8 outta 10 Raging ***** i give a 9.5 I have only vaped these using my new passthru and a 306 atty. great combo for dripping.
  20. ce2's you need to properly position the 3rd plug if not they will taste burnt, now you need to disasemble it clean it under running water till threads are white then dry it out then a good dry burn. works everytime for me. welcome aboard.
  21. oh I cant wait june 8th ridley scott did it again, the prequeal to Alien. its called Promethius. they aint sayint its a prequeal but if you know the original, you will know whats up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVdhZ714Bnw heres the space jockey back in original movie.
  22. heres what i order alot of, m-tpe from tfa, tfa ry4, tfa dk tobacco, and tfa tobacco flavor. pretty cheap at onestopdiyshop.com. 30ml is like 6 bucks. you should get a couple graduated cylinders from them as well. makes life easier lol. very fast shipping as well.
  23. i have ones like that but rounded tip and they only work for me at like 4.1 volts and up.
  24. i was looking at those so they work well? i wonder if i can find a switch that u just touch no pressing
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