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Everything posted by grillman65

  1. I guess I can go to megabatterys.com, unless there is some place better. Please let me know, I need to order these before I get my mod.
  2. 1st, I have an eGo kit, I don't think it is an Joye, or is it? If I wanted an extra battery, could I use a Joye? 2ed, I ordered a reosmods mod, but I did not know it didn't come with a battery or charger, where can I get those?
  3. Funny, ever since I started vaping, I don't crave menthol anymore, not with all these other flavors.
  4. 1.5 packs per day. Pall Mall menthol 100's.
  5. I'm learning. I don't know why I ordered 30mg. I guess I thought I needed that much to feed my nic crave.
  6. Ok, I will step it down to twelve and see how I like it. Guess I should not have ordered that 30mg of graham cracker, 30ml to boot. Oh well, live and learn.
  7. Does the nic percent play a roll in the throught hit. Watching some kissbass video reviews, sounds like it does. I've been using 24mg, and sometimes the thought hit seems harsh, my girlfriend cough's every time.
  8. So what ratio do use most in your juice and why.
  9. OK, so fill me in on what produces good vapor. I know the juice mix plays a roll, not sure if it's the PG or VG. What about single coil vs double coil. Attys. vs cartomizers. What about C2 vs C3, what ever that means. I'm trying to learn so please help me out while I vape.
  10. Thanks, yes having a local shop is nice. In fact I stopped by after work tonight and spent more money.
  11. I'm sure it's the first of many.
  12. Just ordered the Infinity Pro, my first mod.
  13. Being a noobie, how long does each one last. I heard attys. last longer. Also, what does the 510,901,808,801, ect. number mean, size? Is one better then the other. Seems like 510 is the norm.
  14. Looking to get my first mod, what is the difference between the reo woodvil and the woodvil 18490.
  15. I also have the eGo kit. I also bought some larger clear cartomizers, that hold a lot juice. I didn't know cartomizers didn't last long, that's why I started thinking of attys.
  16. Yes, I just read that about them. Well, I read this one tank using carts. and now I know they also can use attys. Thanks.
  17. I have been watching videos and reading things on this forum. I have learned that using attys. is a advanced method of vaping, which I now want to move to. Question, are tanks considered attys.
  18. I'm newer to vaping then you, and also just joined the forum, but welcome to the site. Phil
  19. Well, I just joined this forum and thought I would said hello. I have tried ecigs in the past, but it didn't satisfy me. So I wasted that money. A couple weeks ago I found out my x-inlaws started using a PV, and have done great. So, I figured if they can do it, then I should give it another try. So, I went to the local store where they got their kit(EGO) and got me one too. I was off and on for the first two weeks, it just was not the same thing. So, I talked to the guy at the vape store and he explained to me why I was thinking that. So, today is day four, no cigs, just vapor. I think I can do this, biggest hurdled was the weekend with beer. So it's full vape ahead. Phil
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