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Everything posted by grillman65

  1. OK, I'm thinking I saw a review of a VV passthru that went above 5V, I think it was a little box with a slide adjustment to increase in the voltage, but I can't seem to remember where I saw it. If this rings any bells, please let me know.
  2. OK, I'll give it a shot
  3. Really. I would not think that, so would Lowes carry them as well.
  4. Can you get replacement O'rings for drip tips. I've got a nice silver one that needs one, I don't want to toss it.
  5. OK, FYI, I just started DIY. I use ejuice calc. for mixing. I know higher nicotine level needs more caution, but I treat all level's with caution. That said, I chose 60mg base. Whether you chose 60 or 48, 36, your still using the same percent of nicotine. Example, 60mg will ask for 2.0ml to create a 10ml sample. 48mg will ask for 2.5ml to create same size sample. So, the less mg base you use, the more you have to put in the sample. Does any of this make sense. Looking at the cost, the higher nicotine base you buy, the more it will cost, but you use less. Is this a savings from buying the 36mg base, I don't know. The reason I started with 60mg base was, I saw a DIY video and that's what they were using. So, any input would be appreciated.
  6. I saw the magnet trick too from grimm. I might just send them an email and see what they say.
  7. I understand where your coming from, but you will just have to ride it out. The one thing that keeps me as a customer is good customer service, which includes communication. The fact that they did respond is a good sign. I have never dealt with that company, so I can't give you any feedback on them. I would give it a couple days, if you have not heard anything by Thursday night, send them another email, maybe a little firmer. Good luck.
  8. I'm just trying to get the facts right. I've got a woodvil 18490, which he recommended a red AW IMR battery. I don't have a problem with that, but in the process of getting this, I had ordered a red AW IMR 18650 by mistake, no big deal, I'll just keep it, I said to my self. Then I see a review of the Mantis from Grim, I notice the red 18650 and think, I've got that battery without a home, why not get it. Then going to the web site I see the warning, that got me thinking, should I replace all my batteries with protected ones.
  9. sounds like it would be safer to go back to analogs.
  10. OK, looking at the mantis mod, the web site says "*** AW and IMR batteries are not recommended use at own risk!!". Why is this, the review I saw used a AW IMR battery.
  11. So higher VG makes the juice thicker? I like more vapor than throat hit.
  12. So is it PG for throat hit and VG for vapor? Also, doesn't % of nic play a roll?
  13. The above pic is a great cheat sheet. You need to know two at least 2 of the values to finish the calculation. So, if you know your ohms and voltage, you can calculate your wattage. I have a 5V box, if my cartomizer is 2 ohms, then I would take 5V squared is 25 divided by 2ohms is 12.5 watts. The chart above just gives you 3 different ways to figure out the calculation, depending on what values you know. I'm pretty sure I remembered this right.
  14. So what is the drip shield for, I bought one but don't know why. Don't ask, but beer was involved. I decided to stock up on parts and that was on the list. Is it so you can over fill the atty.
  15. OK, using a 5V mod., what would be better, dual or single coil cartomizer? And why? What about the ohm rating.
  16. Well, this is my second new mod, first was the woodvil 18490, still waiting on batteries and charger. So what I noticed with the Pro was the button, even though I hear click when I push it, it doesn't fire until I apply more pressure. Before I realized this I was freeking out, but now that I know why it wouldn't fire, I can live with it. Also, being able to dial in the voltage, I have learned that plays a roll in throat hit. Being new at this, I think I like dual coil cartos. the best. I've got some SMOK dual clears, the fat ones, I just love. It seems that other smaller dual's I can 't draw off of, like their clogged, but their brand new.
  17. I've run into the same problem, last night. I punched a bigger hole in the existing hole but noticed it was at the same level as the black ring on the bottom. I tried it, but got no vapor on a freshly charge battery. I am going to try and punch a hole higher on the carto. and see how that does.
  18. I've got one, I just wanted a new toy. Oh well.
  19. Yes. Wait, I just read "WILL NOT WORK ON EGO TYPE BATTERIES" I have an EGO, but it's a 510 connection. So what's up with that.
  20. Where can I get one of these? I was going to get one from RTD, but their out of stock.
  21. What ohm value is best for what voltage mod. Can I use LR's with 5V mod's or will it burn them up. What about attys.
  22. So do I want to get a protected battery?
  23. I got the Jatoba Cocobolo 2. It takes the 18650 battery. I got my eGo from a local shop.
  24. I found this place. http://www.megabatteries.com/item_details2.asp?id=16879&cat_id=207&uid=1397 Would this work?
  25. one more thing, should I get a battery with the PCB protection button top, would it fit?
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