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Everything posted by sasetrase

  1. Will pick a Ohm meter up today when I visit a B&M I have been ordering from in another part of the state. Day Trip! I saw they just got them in. I see coils where the wraps are touching, is that a short? How are people doing microcoils then? What Is a short when it comes to RBAs? I am hoping to be able to rebuild my protank coils soon. I have done a few, but none really successfully. My RSST with silica wicks have been unsucessful.
  2. Okay. I am going to prove how terrible I am at electricity, but I promise I really have an ohm meter Does more wraps = more resistance = more ohms?
  3. I hope that the B&M's pop up, but their benefit is that you can try it and buy it there. One of my local B&M's has been saying the same thing. The owner and I go back and forth all the time on the issue. I hope it never happens, but he thinks it will, and very soon. If I have to buy everything from him, at his 30% markup...also, what about REOsmods?!? I couldn't live without ever having tried a reo. Better get on this quick.
  4. I used .20 nichrome wire to rebuild my Vision Eternity RBA. I recently picked up a SID by smoktech. The atty fires on a Vision spinner, but not on the SID. Spinner fires hot at 4.3 volts, but the SID claims "low load". Why does it fire on the Spinner, but the SID won't fire it? It seems like a reasonable resistance from the 4wraps of wire... I am not very good at ohms/watts/resistance...I am still pretty new at recoiling, but what I am doing seems to be working. Any ideas guys?
  5. Neon Vapor rocks. I ordered juice from these guys when they had their grand opening sale. I ordered a 4 pack of their fruit sampler, peanut butter cup, and their neon 13 juice. I love this juice. I am using them in a boge 2.0 on a bolt 3.7v mod. I vaped all of them them as my all day vape, which is saying something in itself. I got their 4 pack fruit sampler, and being a fruit guy, who doesn't enjoy the perfumy ones. I have vaped all of it now, and will be reordering quickly. I got the XF (extra flavor) versions at 24mg, and love them all. Each is true to its flavor, and at 75/25 pg/vg, they produce vapor and throat hit RIGHT ON THE MONEY. I usually vape at 100% pg, because I need to have the throat hit. But this juice has plenty, and now I can actually see vapor when I exhale. The PG juices typically don't come back out. I HIGHLY recommend these juices, watermelon, grape, apple, and cherry. Neon vapor doesn't mess around with their fruit flavors: Flavor: 8/10 Throat hit: 9/10 Vapor: 7/10 Their peanut butter cup is in a Boge2.0 hanging out in my room, I cannot vape a super sweet chocolate all day on the regular sadly, but I did for awhile. This juice is excellent. This was a very strong flavored juice, with excellent throat hit and was true to its flavor. I love Reeses products, and this satisfys that craving just as well as going out and picking up a bag of Reeses peanut butter cups. Flavor: 8/10 Throat hit: 8/10 Vapor: 7/10 Their neon 13 was excellent. I still have a lot of it left, as I really only picked it up as something to try, but it is actually true to the flavor. I would recommend this flavor to someone who enjoys it. Flavor: 7/10 Throat hit: 8/10 Vapor: 8/10 Overall these guys treated me very well, their samplers are still on an awesome special, and I would highly recommend checking them out. High quality, and exceptional customer service.
  6. I started out with a Blu. Worked well enough for 8 months. Then I got back on the deathstix. I know few of us here use blu, but if someone was considering picking up a starter kit. Does the fact that Lorillard picked up Blu influence your decision? Positive or negative?
  7. Yeah. They don't keep good stock levels apparently.
  8. Blu, what cartos do you use on yours?
  9. Good deal. CCV is replacing the top on my newest one, but they haven't gotten the new tops in yet.
  10. I just got an email from v4l for 20% off...they got me.. I have in my cart right now a few things...still lookin about. I have 1 regular stealth battery 1 short stealth battery 1 pcc 1 slim charger 1 808D to 510 adapter. 1 WOWvapor carts in coffee shop sampler 1 coolcart in coffee shop sampler Runs 86.87 shipped with 20% off. Not terrible considering the amount of stuff I am picking up IMO. Let me know if you would change anything and I will pull the trigger tomorrow night.
  11. SmokTech has taken ownership of shoddy manufacturing on a percentage of their Bolt devices. The mechanical switch top is now known to be flawed, and may stop functioning. They are replacing the tops at shipping cost, how nice of them. Please contact your supplier about this issue if you have it. Suppliers are being reimbursed or provided with new functional Bolt tops sold in the past 2-3 months for the issue. This MAY still apply if you are over the warranty period that your vendor carries, as smoktech, who is not known for owning up to manufacturing issues to my knowledge is rectifying the problem. Of course it depends on your vendors policies.
  12. 8 hours into a 12 hour shift now
  13. It is as straight forward as you think it is. With Joyetech manufactured Ego-C parts I have never had a problem. With other manufacturers I have had some issue with things fitting perfectly, one of my MFS ego-c atty bases didn't make the ego battery connection very well. I ended up just returning that one and the supplier replaced it, now it works. Sometimes when the atty is very wet it won't sizzle right away. Sometimes they atty coil snapped and it's done. Sometimes it isn't seated quite right. Sometimes the battery is shot. I always do a cleaning quickly and try it again before I toss it, but the attys are fairly cheap so I can't cry, and they produce some of the best vapor out there IMO.
  14. Do not dry burn a carto/clearo? I have done the same thing, mixing too many flavors in a carto and mudding it up something awful. As long as I know I haven't used the carto for months they clean up decently. I clean my cartos with rubbing alcohol. I save them up until I have a few to clean and pour 90% rubbing alcohol into a low dish, and let them sit for 2-3 days. swirling and shaking a little to help move things around. Let them dry for about 3-5 days and they always come back decent. I do the same with ego-C atties, and my 510's (with a dry burn on these last two)
  15. The nicotine to sleep relationship is messed up...then again maybe working 3rd shift is my real problem I remember when I was a kid we would all raid our parents for cigarettes, and each would bring 2, we would light 3 up at a time, one for each of us, and hit them hard. We would pass them around in a circle trying to kill them as fast as possible... The three different kinds of cigs, with the speed of smoking, and the fact we did this maybe once a month resulted in us hitting the ground spinning. (Marb red, parliment lights, and newport were the three kinds of smokes we would usually have.) With vaping its tough. I read somewhere that vapor is molecularly larger than smoke, and harder for your lungs to absorb. So most of it is taken in from your mouth and throat via contact... I guess the rule is that you vape twice as long as you would have smoked to get the same nic amount.
  16. Mkies. I am still kinda sitting on this, but I really want to pull the trigger. I think I have it down to 2 v4l stealth small batteries. Those should be 350 mah I believe, and run 808 horizontal coils on them. Pick up a gen1 PCC slim line charger via v4l. I am not too far out from the v4l vapor store...I might just stop in there on a trip to chicago some weekend and see how they vape. I don't really want to drop $80-$100 before I know I can actually vape these. I used blu a long time ago, but lost all batteries except for their pcc...which I don't have their charging cable for.
  17. Sexy.
  18. sweet-vapes just started carrying a blue raspberry liquid. But there is no DIY flavoring listed for purchase. You could write Dayna and ask.
  19. I dropped my Ego once and the threaded silver button piece came out a bit. I just pushed it back down and super glued it. Still working batt, still in use today. About two months. If it came completely out I just don't know...I would try to push it back together?
  20. I tried a pliers at one point...and learned my lesson. Don't use carpentry tools on vaping equipment if you can avoid it. I am now very careful of overtightening... I don't know what can be done there...I have 4 ego-c cones I use a lot and have never had that happen...Sad that this keeps happening to you...
  21. Try, Try, and Try as I might I cannot obtain that feeling...it just goes away the same as smoking... That is unless I spill my DIY liquid on my hands when I am being careless without gloves...then it can get intense...in a bad way.
  22. 100% pg is my preferance. I have used the C for 3+ months.
  23. LOliolioliolioliOH! God I hope so.
  24. Solid. I now have a lot of info, I think I want gen1. I want the shortest battery I can find, with a PCC. I don't care what it looks like, so long as it works. I jumped on V4l's mailing list. Maybe something there will catch my eye. I now need to find a decent 808 carto. Boge hands down is my gut thought. This kit contains the following items: 1 Vapor King 1 Slim Charger 1 Carrying Case 1 pack of Cartomizers Details SKU VK-500c Base product price: $29.95 This seems right, but I would love to get two batteries...I am too tired atm to do this much research...808's are killen me smalls...If anyone has a link to a kit, or recommendations on batts let me know. I can pick up boge cartos myself, or just get a 808-510 adapeter, but that might add too much weight. I want interchangability, are gen1 and gen2 the same charging connection? Njoy has battery, charger, 5 cartos for 20 bucks. That seems pretty good I guess...If battery is 10, cartos 5 and charger 5...
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