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About deathawaits87

  • Birthday 12/07/1987

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  1. i don't know.... i REALLY like my joker 1... lol
  2. trust me... he a fake! lol
  3. http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/email/cder/comment.cfm ^^^ THATS THE LINK TO SEND THE FDA A COMMENT ABOUT HOW E-CIGS ARE HELPING NOT HURTING!!!^^^
  4. I think mine was when i saw an ad on the internet. I clicked on it out of suriosity and somehow (by fate) i found vaportalk.com! i did my research and bought my first ecig (a 901). then upgraded to a 510... still not enough then preordered the JOKER. after the first drag, i knew right from there vaping was definatlly for me!
  5. i guess i can dump my favs here... hmmm... where to begin? ummmmm... ok! welcome to NHK!, hellsing, death note, kashimashi (kasimasi... same thing diff title... lol), mahou sensei negima, negima!?, to love ru, bamboo blade, skip beat, school days, elfen lied, popotan, GITS (ghost in the shell), blood+, Fight Ippatsu! Juuden-chan!!, asu no yoichi, azumanga daioh, DN angel, hayate no gotoku (season 1 & 2), to heart, to heart 2, Okusama Wa Joshikosei, Otome wa Boku ni Koi_shi_teru (the forum is censoring the name of this anime thinking i'm swearing! lol so... for this one just take out the "_" its supposed to be one word meaning "to love") and love hina..... just to name a few! any questions i DO have links for all of them plus more for direct download (fan subbed, so its totally legit!)
  6. i don't think so... i'll just stick to the original joker AND see how long this 302 atty will last! lol... almost at 4 weeks without any problems... ~knocks on wood~
  7. Ok... I want to do a review about the Joker. Now I know a lot of people have been bad mouthing it, and it has the rep of popping attys AND it's expensive. The good news is using the Joker with a 302 atomizer seems to be a great combination. Since I bought my Joker, I've gone through 6 801 attys in 2 months. I did a little research and the 302 V3 atomizers have the same thread count as an 801 atty, which means you can use a 302 on the Joker! I am happy to report the 302 atty is still going strong after 3 weeks of use. The ONLY downfall is you can't adjust the airflow screw on the Joker. Other than that, if you are thinking of getting the Joker, DON'T waste your time with 801 atomizers. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
  8. Thanks! I know the joker does NOT work with the low resistance atties... What about HIGH resistance?
  9. Does anyone know if the Joker will work with an 801 LOW BRIDGE atty?
  10. I just want to see what others think about this topic...
  11. I think i'll go with the vp2, cause i don't care about size or budget. Thank you all for the insight and I will update this when i get it!
  12. i'm thinking about getting a vp but i don't know which one to get or if there is something better! Somebody please send me some advice!
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