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Everything posted by KansasVaper

  1. Everyone I know that puts up a display like that has already started assembling. You better get moving.
  2. this poll is a bit biased. So I expect mostly yeses(??) (first time I ever had to pluralize yes) I always vape in my own office. I didn't smoke in my office though.
  3. KansasVaper


    I am definitely an RY4 hoarder. Every juice order I make has RY4 on it.
  4. Sorry I'll try to keep my monsters away from you next time.
  5. I am glad to hear everything turned out OK in the end.
  6. whole-leaf tobacco? food-grade aluminum? butane fumes? carbon dioxide and possibly carbon monoxide? I'll stick with the true vaporizers.
  7. I also have the sample pack from Arno. I have not touched any of the tobacco flavors except Marlboro. But I will put my input in on the ones I did run through. The rest are backups when and if I ever get short on the others I have. I have this in the 36mg strength. I absolutely love this one when I am needing a real analog. I was a Marlboro Red smoker and it really hits the spot for me. This is the one that stomped all cravings for the analog in for first couple weeks. RY4 is my favorite flavor so far. It's the one I vape on everyday with a random kicker flavor dripped in every couple hours to clean the palette. I was never a menthol smoker in the 20 years of smoking but I love this one. Great to add to the horrible tasting juices. So far that list is butterscotch from myvaporstore.com and cheesecake from liquidxpress. Both I think are bad batches. Saves me from having to trash them completely. This one did not taste like coffee to me but more like an unsweetened mocha flavor with a coffee bean aftertaste. Good with the menthol mixed in though. I was looking forward to this one. But was not impressed. Definitely a banana taste but very weak. Apple is so weak I didnt care for it either but I did vape it all away with no problems so I cant say it was horrible.
  8. Ring a ring a rosie A pocketful of posies a-tishoo!, a-tishoo!. (or a tissue, a tissue) We all fall down. Supposedly this refers to the plague. There are many versions of the song. No one really knows the orgins of it or really the meanings of it. It supposed to be a song similar to our own Lizzy Borden jump rope song. Lizzie Borden took an axe And gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done She gave her father forty-one.
  9. He is one of my favorite reviewers. Great little short production! Man that was a bit freaky. Especially when you consider how creepy that song is knowing its background. How many lost souls are there walking around because of this one event in history?
  10. First off, I am sorry for reviving an old thread but I didn't think this post warranted a new thread. I received my Janty Stick in the mail today. Diet Smokes has yet to get them in stock so I ordered mine from the UK. It took 9 days to receive it and cost me an extra $15 but it arrived just fine. Ordered from smokejuice.co.uk. It arrived amazingly with a low bridge atomizer similar to what Arno sells but with the Janty name etched to the brass ring. The differences are only on the battery side. This has 2 very large air holes instead of the 4 small ones in Arno's. It also has a number 0809 crudely stamped on the positive battery connection. I assume this is either the month/year of manufacture or a tracking number for tracking atomizers. The rest of it is exact. I did have a little problem getting the atty to seat correctly but I anticipated this from all the reviews around. I have a dry erase marker that fits tightly into the top of the 801 atomizers that helps greatly to get the leverage needed to tighten it enough. I had also planned to add a manual battery extension inside the Stick if I experienced serious issues with this connection like I have heard in the reviews and complaints about it. That way once I got the extension to seat I wouldn't have issues with getting the atty to seat anymore. But right now this isn't necessary and I would prefer not to have it sticking out anymore than it already does. Vapor production from the atty is exactly like the low bridge from Arno. So this is definitely not the atty in all of the reviews I have seen for the Stick. I am truly impressed with the built-in usb charging. I can now plug it in wherever I have access to electricity. Car, office or home I am completely covered. Even if I am away from a source for an extended period I can always change out the battery for a fresh one. I now have a convenient clip-on carrying case that holds a couple extra batteries and still room for the stick and a small bottle of juice. So as far as 3.7 volts is concerned I have the setup I was looking for. An extra Stick for backup and I am set. 5.0 volts I am waiting on the VP3. Unless something else comes out that gives me all of the features of the Stick at 5.0 volts. And I have heard Janty is working on that as well. Impressed truly impressed!
  11. I had to do the same thing with the 901 to get the hit I liked. Then I discovered if I over-tightened the atomizer, the sheath would turn and I could adjust the airflow that way. But too much playing around with it and I broke the wires connecting the connector to the atomizer. So I don't suggest it. It takes about an 1/8 of a turn before the hole becomes adjustable. After thought, I could have taped the hole shut and then opened it back up to suit my tastes. Hindsight is 20/20.
  12. Very top, just to the right of center, looks like a tragedy comedy mask.
  13. http://www.freewebs.com/siberiankitten/whatisasiberian.htm They have long fur, but they only shed twice a year instead of all damn year long like a normal cat. The Siberian cat would be a perfect match for the dachshunds. They both love attention. My mom used to be a breeder, I hated them. We had several become paralyzed so when the mother died that was the end of them. They definitely don't own you like a normal cat will. It is curious about what you are doing all the time. Call its name and it will be there in seconds. Pull in the drive and its in the window or at the door waiting on you. It will follow you everywhere. This cat looks a lot like ours. Ours isn't quite that big yet though. Proof of a Siberian Cat playing fetch The Siberian cat is the most dog-like out of any cat I know. But they are not cheap you will spend anywhere from $800 to $2400 for one and usually have to wait on a list for 6 months before you ever get to pick one out. It's also 1 of 3 cats that are considered hypo-allergenic, a huge plus in our house. The other 2 don't really look like cats.
  14. Excellent response! I am glad to hear the acid is being used to neutralize the base liquid and not to provide throat hit.
  15. I saw this commercial the other day. Been thinking about running android on my AT&T Tilt phone to give it a test run.
  16. I have worked with a lot of chemicals in the industrial cleaning industry when I still had a normal job. I could see where the citric acid would help with the fruit flavors. But to me the throat hit feels more like I just drank a glass of mild caustic water. Yes I have done this before. Not hard to do when you have your solutions sitting next to your drinking glass. I wish I had a ph meter to test some of these liquids with the strong throat hit. Maybe someone that has a PH meter laying around could let us know the PH levels of some of these liquids. I really don't see the benefit of vaping a liquid into our lungs that is not a true neutral of 7.00 PH. The tissues in our lungs are very fragile. It's not like drinking a soda that is typically around a 2 or 3 on a PH meter. The stomach is full of acid anyway. The lungs aren't used to inhaling high(base) or low(acidic) PH levels. If it is true these liquids are adjusted to be high or low on PH just to give a throat hit. I will have to invest in a meter and neutralize these liquids.
  17. We have 2 people in our house allergic to cats. That is why we got the Siberian cat. It is considered to be hypoallergenic. Neither one of them has ever had a reaction to it. The bred is a little strange as its the only breed that has some dog-like behaviors. It will meet you at the door. Likes to be walked. Likes constant attention. Will play fetch with you. If you ever consider a cat that is the one to get.
  18. Interesting! I dug this up for those interested. PROPYLENE GLYCOL AND CATS
  19. AAP CALLS FOR TOBACCO-FREE ENVIRONMENTS FOR ALL CHILDREN They are calling to ban "electronic cigarettes" (Can we stop marketing them as that?)
  20. LOL....way to throw in the disclaimer! I guess there is a reason PG is used in lotions, lipstick, moisturizers, soft dog food, etc.. PG is a humectant, which basically means it will absorb water from the air and wont allow the material its used in to dry out. Your observation seems very logical to me.
  21. Hey its ecig related. And funny too!
  22. I think it shouldn't be connected with any juice supplier. It could have a weekly flavor from a different supplier every week.
  23. Seems like a large percentage of us got zapped by the poor quality ecigs before we did a little research and ordered a real PV. But it was enough to get us interested in them and we are glad it happened now. You have found a great community! Welcome!!
  24. I would put my unwanted stuff up if I had any.
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