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Everything posted by jiffy

  1. I keep hearing about the Chuck and mini Chuck, but have no personal experience.
  2. The lack of lung capacity that seemed to get worse over the years made me look for an alternative. I heard about e-cigs and found this forum. This forum helped me make an informed decision on the best e-cig for my needs. Joye 510 and a few weeks later I'm off the analog train.
  3. MV Agusta F4 is one of my favorites..but I have so many.
  4. Way to go Governator!!!!
  5. VT is a great site that has very helpful members. I hope it continues to grow with new members that are as willing to guide and help the community.
  6. I'm just refilling the pre-filled cartridges. So, it seems that once refilled they might be 2 analogs.
  7. I have a noobie question so I will put it here. How many analogs would you say the 501 cart is equal to? It seems like it is only one good analog in my opinion. I know the 501 loves the juice, so it seems it needs refills often. What say VT?
  8. I will agree with you here Keenan. Even 400 chemicals is better than 4000. Also, since there is no burning of paper and chemicals it seems to greatly reduce the harmful effects. The tar in analogs is what really seems to cause problems. At least with e-cigs I don't have a build up of tar in my body and I also don't have the shortened lung capacity that plagues all analog smokers.
  9. I also noticed that the 510 uses a lot of juice. I have to make sure I am prepared with fresh carts or juice when on the go or you will be left high and dry.
  10. I am a new 510 user and I have been using the carts. I top them off after some use to keep them fresh and vaping strong. I have yet to venture into dripping because the carts seem to work well so far. From my reading it seems the Vapor Talk Mentha is a very highly recommended menthol juice. You can pick it up at http://www.dietsmokes.com/ It comes in 16mg or 24mg nic level.
  11. I'm new to the 510 but I have to say it is pretty impressive for an e-cig. I use the carts and have been getting some good vape from them so far. I tend to add to them after a while to just "top" them off. This seems to keep the vape strong.
  12. I have to say that Vermont Vapor has great customer service. I had my order at my door after 2 days. Reading your comments just makes me feel that much better about doing business with them. I was also hoping to get your reviews on the Vermont Vapor juices. Please post them up when you get a good taste. I ordered their tobacco and mint flavors for a test.
  13. They do come in matte black or shiny black. Some vendors make the specification and some don't, from what I have noticed.
  14. Thanks for the replies to a vaping noob.
  15. What is everyone's experience with flying and carrying e-cigs? I can just seem getting a hard time trying to explain why I have a few small cylinders, batteries, and some juice. Forgive me if this has been covered repeatedly.
  16. Off topic, but Dublin Dr. Pepper is the best. A Dublin frosty at the museum is top notch. On topic: I am definitely going to pick up some 23. You guys have talked me into it.
  17. How many duds of the 510 would you say you have? Did you get them from the same supplier?
  18. I ordered some 6m nic to try. I am a fairly light smoker though. I just enjoy the experience.
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