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  1. I have heard good things about them, but I have not ordered from them.
  2. Oct. 2009 for me.
  3. Very interesting article running on MSNBC today concerning our hobby. They are fairly straight forward in the delivery giving opinions from both sides of the fence, FDA vs Suppliers. Johnsons Creek and Blu are the two companies that are quoted in the article. From a brief review of the replies to the article I would say 99% are in favor of the E-cig movement. It is funny how our government is trying to take something so well received, the e-cig, and make it something we are not allowed to enjoy. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/38954742/ns/health-addictions/?gt1=43001
  4. I appreciate all the responses to my conundrum. I will be looking closely at the Joker AV and the EGO. These two really fit my needs the most and the only choice will be variable voltage or not.
  5. I have been vaping for about 1 year now. I started with the basic 510 and it has served me well as an on the go PV. I have also purchased the Spade and the VP-PT. I use the VP-PT every day and I have even moved to using the VP-PT in my vehicle as I travel a lot for business. The dilemma as you all know is that there seems to be an influx of new devices on the market every month. To determine which one to purchase next causes me to investigate many websites, forums, and reviews. The problem is that almost everyone likes their own PV and there are very few that get negative reviews. The short list is still not short enough. Anyone have thoughts on which direction to go? I need a PV for on the go when I cannot rely on my VP-PT. Good battery life, good vapor, adjustable voltage wouldn't be bad. The Precious- A touch sensor variable voltage PV that gets high reviews from it's followers. http://theprecious.ro/home/products-page/ The EGO- A popular lower cost PV that is highly regarded but lacks variable voltage The Joker AV- Good reviews here but little discussion elsewhere Other more exotic PV's such as the GG line are intriguing with their design and devoted following. http://www.e-cigarette-wiki.com/index.php?title=Golden_Greek
  6. Putting liquids with your bathroom plastic bag of stuff makes it much less conspicuous in my opinion. The liquids are what they look for first.
  7. Any details on the Voltage, etc. these run at. These look great!
  8. Until the smoke gets thin...same as everyone else 6-9 hits.
  9. That is how I feel. There are many variables involved when you talk about how much nicotine is absorbed.
  10. The absorption rate of the nicotine is the big "what if" in my opinion. What studies have been conducted, scientifically showing the absorption rates of vaping? We can't even get a solid scientific study clarifying whether vaping is bad for us or not. Maybe nicotine isn't the biggest contributor of analog addiction. Like I said I was a light analog smoker, very light, but I vape all day long. My addiction to vaping is physically less, based on my cravings, than analogs ever were. I "had" to have analogs, but with vaping it isn't the same craving.
  11. I don't believe that we get as much nicotine as we think from vaping. I only smoked 5-8 analogs per day. I switched to vaping and vape all day. I hardly put this thing down at all. When I smoked analogs I had to have one every so often or go crazy. With the vaping I can go all day without really caring. I think a placebo effect is what helps the most with vaping...the feeling of smoking.
  12. It's amazing that I still have a hard time switching people over to e-cigs. The only drawback I can find is the constant maintenance.
  13. Seems like you went to great extremes to clean those atty's. I would think using one method would work for you in the future. This would also save you a lot of time instead of going through all of those procedures. Whatever works for you though, not all methods work for everyone the same.
  14. It is too bad a fair tax will never make it into existence. There are too many companies and government entities pocketing our hard earned money to care about, Fair. We live in a society of greed-
  15. Almost like Big Red, but not quite...It's a sweet dawn mystery.
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