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Everything posted by JBIRMfromPHOENIX

  1. Does anyone else that has USB chargers notice that they charge batts a hellova lot faster? I just got one today, and wow. But, I'm not sure if the charge stays the same as a ac/dc charge yet. Will know in a couple days. What about you guys? --Jason--
  2. Thanks for the info Chris and Smoking.
  3. Could you Please PM the link to me for this? Sounds too risky, but I want to take a look at it. Thanks. --Jason--
  4. So how much juice would you say you go through on average a week? ml
  5. thats a badass find. cool to read, thanks. --Jason--
  6. Does any1 know where I can pick up cheap atty's for the 510 and 4081? Buying in bulk to get a cheaper deal is fine by me. Also Im in Az so the southwest would even be better for fast shipping purposes. thanks fellow vapors. Prices would help in you response. Peace! --Jason--
  7. oops meant to put this as a reply to darth Doesn't dripping make you go through atomizers quicker? I used the drip technique on one of my atomizers for this first 4081 kit I have. Burnt out the atomizer in 2 days. I was doing a constant drip too. Like 3 drops every 5 puffs or so. What about the 4081 though. I have these 510's (2 of them) coming in on Monday in hopes of being thouroghly impressed and them putting the 4081 to shame. Because I definetly need more than what the 4081 offers. Alot more. thanks for you input. --Jason--
  8. Doesn't dripping make you go through atomizers quicker? I used the drip technique on one of my atomizers for this first 4081 kit I have. Burnt out the atomizer in 2 days. I was doing a constant drip too. Like 3 drops every 5 puffs or so. What about the 4081 though. I have these 510's (2 of them) coming in on Monday in hopes of being thouroghly impressed and them putting the 4081 to shame. Because I definetly need more than what the 4081 offers. Alot more. thanks for you input.
  9. Ive got 2 510's on the way. One for me and one for my wife. We have been sharing a 4081 with 3 batteries and 3 atomizers. I burned through 1 atomizer on the second day. I think it got too hot because I took it apart and a wire was fried. I hoping to be very happy and impresssed with the 510. What is your guys take on the 4081 vs the 510? Everywhere I looked so far sais the 510 blows the 4081 away, and thats why I bought them. Thanks. --Jason--
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