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Everything posted by JBIRMfromPHOENIX

  1. HELLZ YES! Sent a thank you to Arnold too. Kansas, just read that bill. This is obviously the beginning of a long battle, but what a boost this gives us. And, proof that if we are involved enough a difference can be made! Great job everyone! I know alot of us aren't from California, but no matter the location we stick together on common ground to do our best at stopping this madness. Vape On!
  2. Great info Chris. I thought you had a PHD in science, chemistry, biology, and mathematics until I saw the link at the bottom. I'm gonna fool around with this and we'll see what I come up with, math is one thing I am strong in. But like Keenan said, if there is a genius with a straight answer that would take the cake here. Thanks for getting involved in this one guys, this question has plagued me since I quit analogs. Go Cards! --Jason--
  3. Just playin it safe Chris. Sorry about starting somethin without finishing guys. The juice is 24 mg strawberry from libertyecig.com. I guess they were in socal but moved because of the ban possibility last week. Now they are in nevada. The juice is friggin amazing, taste great, not really sweet, and the vapor is maaad. Hope you like it. --Jason--
  4. Oh, I tried Coca Cola a while back because I saw it recommended a long time ago somewhere, and dont waste the time. Didn't do anything. As a matter of fact the atomizer is not performing as well as it did before.
  5. What about simple green? Isn't that stuff safe enough to drink supposedly. Obviously this is just an idea, and drinking it would be stupid. But maybe a rinse with water after? Simple green has worked miracles on all kinds of stuff for me. --Jason--
  6. My dad had a sick M109r, I'll get a picture and post it on here for you guys to see. He had a near fatal wreck with it. After talking to a connection here in phoenix, he got the shop to repair the damage with the insurance company. All the sickest sht was added to his bike including a wicked flame paint job from area 5150, the place that paints Jesse James bikes. They autographed the paint job in my brothers favorite color and shade of green. Unfortunatly hard times hit him and us. Large embezzlement by his office manager because we were all at the hospital 24/7 when my brother was fighting a battle with his cancer which eventually took him from us. Btch will rot in hell. Anyways, someone in california made out with it at an auction for 1/3 of what it was worth. Sht the paint job alone was worth a grip. But, I rode it several times, and I tell ya, it was a sick bike. Especially after it became custom from the repairs. The M109r is an 1800 V twin. YEAH thats right 1800. You would never think it was a foreign cruiser, and didn't sound like one either. I'll get the pic asap. Peace! --Jason--
  7. I am surprised no one has posted here yet. I have a question, hopefully someone will have some info here. An average cig contains 1mg of nic. I am guessing there initially was some intense chemistry on the nic in the juice we use. I personnaly use 24mg juice. How does that ratio work? I used to smoke a pack and a half a day of mb lights. I figured each smoke at around 13-15 drags right before I got my first ecig in the mail, so that I could try and keep the amount of smoke vs vape ratio equal. But, my question is this. How much nic are we really getting when we drip to have a vape? I am trying to figure the nic that I used to crave for smoking vs the amount I am getting now. So how much nic am I getting now? This is going to be a tough one, but any response with ideas and knowledge would be great. Look forward to hearing back on this one guys, lets stir this section up. --Jason--
  8. Bought it from out of florida. I thought they were in nor cal from what my research told, but the unit was shipped from florida. Maybe it was a drop ship or somethin. --Jason--
  9. When and why did the canadian government make ecigs illegal? What was their excuse? --Jason--
  10. I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me guys. I see 3 Janty models now. Before I didn't see the janty stick, so thats where the confusion set in. Comprendo now.
  11. We got 2 510 kits a few couple days ago. One kit has mad mad vape. And the other has one atomizer that is producing a cloud half the thickness of the rest. These are all brand new attys. The one that is performing half is is the only one with fiber visible. the others have some clear whiteish stuff where the fiber usually is. So, I'm kind of at a loss with this one, because it works. It just works like sht. I dont think the seller will replace considering it is producing vape. What do you guys think? The kit is new. Suck it up and buy another atty? If it makes any difference, I did drop 75 bucks on the kit and a usb charger from this vendor. A little high, but they were near, and I needed the quick delivery. If you look at Chris' post on the first page, my experience with these different types is opposite. Maybe they just put it together like crap at the factory. Why would I get one with fiber and one with the other stuff in the same kit too? I think these things cost the vender 3-5 bucks, so it would be nice if they would just replace, just dont know how to approach them on this one. --Jason--
  12. I havn't owned the 801, 901, or janty so please bear with me here. So the adapter lets you thread attach the larger battery from the 801 to the 510 atty for longer battery life? I was looking at the janty on a couple websites last night, and it looks identical to the 510. So whats the difference between the Janty and the 510? Or are they the practically the same? Thx. --Jason--
  13. Coo, thanks. Is that the cart where the mouthpiece shrinks at the end to a rectangular tip? Almost like what you see on some of the mini tobac cigars? --Jason--
  14. KickAss. Thanks for the response. The hub is male, so I'll have to get a female to female adapter prolly. But big deal, hell I might have one of those in the drawer too. This thing also has 3 usb outlets, so I'm thinking both my wife and myself could hookup passthroughs to this same hub in the living room and call it a done deal. Appreciate it man. --Jason--
  15. I'll PM to you --Jason--
  16. I got this strawberry juice today that came with a 510 I bought. I gotta give a shout out to Chris on that. They are the shzzle mane. anyways this strawberry 24mg juice is producing so much wicked vapor I had to tell everyone. Its 24mg nic, and just to give an example here, It's throwing the same amount of vapor and kick from my old rn4081 as the 510 if not more. Yeah, true story guys, more. Great throat, vape filling the room. I dont know why its pure perfection with 4081, but it just is. It's great with both, It's just unreal what it did with the mini. It's not sweet either, just a hint of strawberry. Im thinkin about throwing a vid on here of the production, because its with old attys and batteries that have been re-charged around 70 times. Gotta lab test it to find out the mix or somethin. --Jason--
  17. I was looking through a couple junk drawers last night after I read all this. You know, those drawers with all that computer cords and adapters and junk that you hold on to because you'll never find use for any of it? Well I found something that I hope will work here. Its a Belkin USB hub that plugs into the wall. The output is 5 volts 2.6 Miliamps. What do you guys think. Too much Power? Let me know your thoughts. I am seriously thinking this would cheef like crazy with the usb passthrough. Sure would be nice next to my LAZYBOY. I don't want to burn the house down or fry my new 510 either though. From what Ive read on other it seems like nearly double the volts (which I think is alright), and over double the amps (which concerns me). What do you guys think? Good? Or leave it alone and find somethin else? to me. Any electrcal gods around? I look forward to your guys input on this one. --Jason--
  18. We just got our 510's and it took a while to break in one of the attys. But now Im cheefin like a dragon, and am a very happy mofo. Filling the carts are working just fine for me. I did drip once, but with the carts I dont have to fill so much. I definetly am putting a slight drop every cart to keep things lubed. I am so happy the 510. --Jason--
  19. Yep, I'm not trippin. I dont know what it is but my usb charger is getting the job done in 75% of the time it takes for my ac wall charger. --Jason--
  20. LMFAO. You pinned the tail on the donkey with that one keen
  21. okay this is the topic: A-N-Y-C-I-G-.%c%o%m Now take out the all of the -'s and %'s from it. And what do you have? The ahole that we are talking about.
  22. That is bad ***! I've gotta get a passthrough man. That way all my batteries are fully charged on the go, because I wont need them at home. sick Where's the cheapest place to pick up a 510 passthrough for fast delivery to me? Dietsmokes is out of everything including the usb. Thanks Chris. PEACE! --Jason--
  23. The theif is in the topic. You have to cypher the address from it. If you take out every symbol from the topic you will find the culprit. --Jason--
  24. I just looked at this place.. What an as sho le.. I own a couple businesses and thats one of the downsides that we face as business owners. The problem here is that this entity is in China, therefore you have no fight for any type of copyright infringement. If it was someone in the states, you may have something. But still it would be throwing money and lots (I mean lots) of time at something that may never pan out in the court of law. Because its in China there is nothing you can do, except express your opinion like you already have. One thing that I'm sure we can all figure out here, is that you get what you pay for. And in this case, it's obvious it will be slow delivery time, no personal customer service, and even more delays if products are broken or no good. Is it worth saving the 20-30 bucks for a potential 1-2 month hassel with the possibility of more issues. NO! As I mentioned, this is just common sense, which I think most people we see the same way when viewing this option for buying. And thats really what it boils down to, not the description. I'll stick to the locals, and support our economy. PEACE and don't let it get the best of you. --Jason--
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