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Everything posted by JBIRMfromPHOENIX

  1. What up VT fam. I'm not a mad poster, but I've been around for a while and I'm pretty sure we've already talked about this before. I couldn't find anything in the search engine or browsing topics. What is everyones opinion on PG vs Non-Pg. Which do you guys prefer and why? I just got my first bottle of non-pg and can't really tell the difference, except maybe the flavor is more crisp/fresh. I'm getting the same amount of vapor, with maybe a little less throat kick. But the throat kick is still to close for me to make that a for sure statement. So what do you guys think? -Jason-
  2. Couldn't you use PH testing strips used for a swimming pool? They're like 10 bucks for 50 of them. Maybe you could just drop the liquid on the strip? --Jason--
  3. the cost $2.50 to $3 bucks from china for a supplier. give him a break, you assume someone is going to back up their product without having to read a page of bs. the manufacturer offers a warranty, sometimes one year too.
  4. I think that bartender/ manager is a dumbass. They outlawed smoking in bars here, and bar owners have taken a hit on having to remodel and a loss of customers. If I owned a bar, I would promote it. Smoking and drinking go hand in hand for some people, one of them being me, and vaping is the ultimate solution imo.
  5. Ive got knee surgery coming up, so at my last appointment I was no longer a smoker. I broke out in the waiting room with a couple other people in there and they just looked at me weird. When I got back in the room to wait for my doctor she walked in and I was still vapin. She thought it was cool, and was happy that I quit smoking. I took my 510 apart and explained the whole thing to her. I asked her if she wanted to try, but of course she wouldn't do it. I even blew a cloud in her face because she wanted to see if it had a slight oder to it.
  6. If its performing like that without any sort of bad taste, than you've got enough juice in there. I would just make sure it doesn't get hot, and keep an eye on your vapor production. You can burn out your atty if its on the dry side, so imo its better to have more juice than less. I'm always dumpin juice in my 510 attys now because they last and perform better for me that way. --Jason--
  7. I've never heard of someone using crystal form flavoring for juice. I asked the same question about how many drops of flavoring a couple days ago because I've had unflavored juice sittin around. I bought the juice when I first started vaping to mess around with flavors later on when I would eventually figure out that stuff. I don't have any experience at all with how many drops of flavoring, and havn't got any answers yet. So, what Im gonna do is use 5ml bottles and add a drop at a time until I like it. Then I might have a formula from there. I figure 5ml bottles to make the math easy. If you figure something out please let me know, good luck.
  8. At one point I employed over fifteen people, with 90% of them being smokers. Depends on how valuable ones time really is to the employer, and how he reviews or creates progress/ daily productivity reports. From experience, when someone has to leave whatever work they are doing for 10-15 min, it definetly costs an employer more. 15 minutes is whole lot more than just that. When getting back from that break, one has to get situated in their mindset to get back on to the productive conveyor belt they were rolling on before they left for their vape break. Same goes with a smoke break or whatever break. Assuming that vaping at work was kept reasonable (not dripping every 5 minutes all day), I believe it would most definetly be better for the employer. An employee being able to stay focused on the task at hand without having to readjust from dropping everything for a vape, could make a happy employer and employee. Employers, let the people vape. Of course profession might make a difference too. If your constantly in the public eye, that makes things a little more difficult on convincing the boss. It would be one badass day if the FDA would just do their homework and show the public that vaping is not harmful to others.
  9. Sorry to hear all that, most important thing is your wife is okay and everyone will be well soon. Keep on truckin my friend. When it rains it pours, and it's been pourin on everyone lately. A brighter side of all the crappy things going on lately is we're all not smoking a ton a cigs anymore to cope with the stress. Vape on, vape on. Take it easy.
  11. I once heard from a local supplier that the Chinese will put any name or logo on an ecig if the supplier sells enough. The guy was a little wacky, so I dont know how true that is. With vaportalk you should be able to find out what that dude is actually selling if you do a little recon on here. Could be one in which the parts are the same as the ecig your getting. It may not be worth it though, the guys attys and parts are probably 20-40 bucks a piece at those prices.
  12. Thats funny you brought up the hungover part. After a hardcore night of partying till the early hours (It's been a couple years or more since I've tied one on that bad), I would dread lighting up because I was hungover and feeling like major ***. I was one of the ones, out of my boys, that would eventually light up after raiding the pickle jar and whatever else in the fridge that I thought might help in the hangover curing process. A full night of partying like that, I'm guessing I would smoke at least 2 1/2 packs, a pack or so more than normal. I would only smoke not more than a few cigs because my lungs were cashed feeling, and I felt like major sht. As nasty as the thought of a cigarette was at that point, I still had to smoke even though I knew it would make me feel even more sick.
  13. I have the same concerns regarding nicotine. I really enjoyed smoking, and now I have substituted the smoking for vaping. Even with me vaping a 24mg juice and doing it quite frequent because I love vaping, I can't explain how much of a huge difference it has made with me as opposed to smoking. I feel like a million bucks compared to hackin up all that crap every morning. I am definetly using less nic now. The first 2 weeks of vaping, I detoxed from cigs hardcore. I was constantly sweating even when it was 75 degrees, which is not normal for me. I took more than one shower a day sometimes because I was sweating so much sht/toxins out. With all the detox going on, I still did not have a desire to light up. In fact, during those 2 weeks I did light up because I still had a half pack. And I only lit up twice. Both of those times I lit up, I took one drag, and put it out. I didn't like it at all. Thats when I knew for sure I didn't want or need to smoke anymore. Last week I tried to ease up on the vape to see if I would jonez for a vape like I would a cig in the past. For me it wasn't like I had to try at all. I really dont think I am getting nearly as much nic as I was before with the 1 1/5 to 2 packs a day, although I'm still tryin to figure that one out. Maybe its just me, but after trying this, I think I could go with a really low dose nic juice, and then jump to nic free pretty easy now. I'm thinking its possible to even just stop all together. But everyone is different. For now though, I like nicotine and really love vaping. So I'll go ahead and do similar to your guys plan or just straight quit when I really want to. After my experiment vaping less for a minute, I think for me it's a whole lot easier to drop the nicotine now with vaping then before with cigs. What else were we addicted to that was in cigarettes though? After my experiences so far, I sincerely believe the chemical addiction with cigarettes is more than just nicotine. I know nicotine is obviously the major and main cause/culprit for the addiction, but I don't think it was the only chemical causing the need for cigs. I'm not talking about psychological dependence either, which is a whole other thing in itself. I'm gonna skip the proof read and spell check here, so I apologize if this post has crappy grammer. Peace all, and Vape On! --Jason--
  14. Thats a friggin awesome find Lacey. Way to go. You guys would be surprised about how many inventions used today were actually invented scores and even centuries ago. The first combustable engine was invented in the late 1600's. Alot of people dig through the archives and make fortunes with ancient patented ideas. I want to try the atty on this sucker! --Jason--
  15. Its was a little chilly the other day, so I decided to where pants for the first time this year. I was chillin at a family get together on the couch and my leg felt like someone put a cigarette out on it. HOLY *****... The manual battery activated because of the way I was sitting and the pants. Jumped up real quick! The manual battery activated and my atty was rollin. LMAO. Everyone was like wtf is wrong with you? . Thought I had somethin strange in my pants. Anyways, luckily there was no damage to the atty, but it got friggin hot. If I'm wearin pants I take it apart now. If you wear dickies shorts alot like me I wouldn't worry about it.
  16. Some people say its possibly toxic. The reason I thought of simple green is because the owner of the company actually used to ingest all the time to prove the market how safe his product really is. The guy is still alive and well. The world may never know. Now that is someone that really believes in their product!
  17. Hey smokingman, have you tried a 510 atty on your vp 2 yet? I remember you tellin me how bichin it was and wass curious if you have compare the 901 to 510 atty on it. --Jason--
  18. pimpim b, gracias. I have a 30ml bottle of unflavored 24mg juice. I've got a syringe now and and some 3ml on the go bottles and a couple 5ml bottles. Do you or anyone have a recommendation on the ratio I should use for this situation? Thanks guys. --Jason--
  19. Thanks Chris. I hope this will be cool for him. Our prayers go out to Noah and his family with a card as well. --Jason--
  20. Thats pretty cool. I just saw a most recent episode of American Chopper the other day. Kinda lame that Sr fired his own son and then Mikey left. I just dont understand how someone could do that to their own son whether he shows up late or not he always gets the job done. What happened to the family in "family business"? OCC would be no where if it wasn't for JR., and Mikey keeping the peace. They were key components in making that company very profitable. Anyways, The build was this electric drive motor that had 6 or 8 large duralast car type batteries. The thing was rechargable with any home outlet and did 100 mph. I think they said it had 100 flbs torque and 25 HP. But 25 horsepower from DC voltage is supposedly buttload more than a 25 HP gas engine. Same goes for the torque they say. I don't think there was a tranny, but if there was, it was automatic. No gears to go through. Thing came out looking pretty badass lookin. They did it for Seimans. Check it out. --Jason--
  21. Im confused guys. Another topic in the juice section specifically sais do not use oil flavoring. This sites flavors all say oil. Have you used flavors from here bzeis? Thanks all. The other topic made it sound like oil was really really bad. And I have no idea WTF im doin.
  22. Finally someone said it. I asked everyone the same thing with a the kits that I have bought, and everyone said its a must do procedure. 8 hours??? I didn't do it with any of them because it was impossible to have that kind of patience when something you want to use so bad is right in front of you. I put some of them on for maybe an hour, others I said screw it and used them right away. The batteries on all my kits work just fine. --Jason--
  23. Thanks Chris. It only took about 5 to 10 min after screwin it up the first time. I'm too lazy to solder. I actually tristed the wires together and got nothin the first attempt. Thats when I figured the coating on the wires was interfering with a solid connection. Had a bic in pocket for some strange reason, and presto! It burnt the **** right off and actually fused them well. Yeah, I went everywhere you told me during the video global chat day. I was tired of rechargin batteries and didn't like the pt I got. I dont remember you saying anything about jeso, but I did ask him and never got a response. I had alot of ideas on how I could mod it like the PT's you are talking about, but I low on time and wanted to get vapin stat because your juice had just came in the mail. Gracias again by the way. If anyone does not have new usb ports on thier pc like Chris mentions here or would just rather not plug it into your pc, You can buy a hub just like mine with a long cord and 110/120 input with 5v 2.6 amp output for less than a PT. Just type usb hub in google or let me know and I'll post a link for you. They go for $10 to $25, and you can run multiple PT's with them at the same time. I want to hook my friggin quads battery up to an atty and see what will happen. --Jason--
  24. I agree with you word for word here Keenan, the current political status of the government disgusts me and the mere thought of what is actually going on right now makes worries me more than ever.
  25. WHAT UP TO ALL IN THE KINGDOM OF VAPOR! Okay, well I was in the market for a 510 passthrough last week, and Chris told me to buy an American made PT from I think Truesmoker (don't hold me to it). Anyways, I went to the website where he told me to get one from right away to buy one, and they were out of stock. So I looked and looked and looked. I was told by Chris that the benefit of the american made PT was the fact that it had an inline fuse to protect your usb port from shorting out. I guess the chinese ones have a reputation to f up usb ports. I have this USB hub I found in my junk drawer with a 5v and 2.6 amp output and ac 110 input, and we discussed the use of that on a previous thread. Without an american pt in sight, I bought a chinese one and figured I will just run it through the hub so I dont fk my laptop ports up. I dont know about you guys, but I think these things suck. And with a 3.7 volt battery or whatever inline, this is all you atty will get. So, here is what I did to make this thing a bad *** vaping machine, and anyone can do this without tools or expertise. 1. Cut the cord from the battery to the USB cable in the middle, in case you want to put it back together in the original config again. (YOU WON'T) 2. Cut the other end about 3-4 inches or so away from the battery so you have decent cord length for you modded PT, in case you want to put it back together in the original config again. (ONCE AGAIN YOU WON'T WANT TO) FYI: There are only to wires on each end of the cord. The middle is not a wire, but just rubber to seperate the two. 3. Take a utility blade out of the utility knife and carefully shave the rubber away from the two wires on each end to a pinky nails length. Be careful this wire is very delicate and small. Take your time removing rubber as not to damge the wire. Its easy, trust me. 4. Cut the middle rubber to get it out of the way. You should have 2 wires on each end nice, clean, and sepearted from the middle a little bit so you have room to work with the wires seperately. One wire is green and one blue at each end. Twist both blue wires together. 5. Take a BIC lighter and heat the wire after twisting for about 5 secs or until it looks copper colored, this will act as soldering the connection. Your new PT will not work unless you heat your twisted wires. Make sure you heat the exposed wires only, and not any rubber. Thats why your stripped wire should be a fingernails length. 6. Cut a small piece of electrical tape and carefully wrap your new twisted and BIC soldered connection. 7. Repeat steps 4 through 6 with the green wire. (make sure all exposed wiring is covered with the tape independantly so they will never touch) 8. Cut another small piece of electrical tape and wrap around both wires so they will never seperate. 9. Plug your new 5V PT in, and vape your *** off! Unless you decide to tie an inline fuse on this, I wouldn't connect to your pc. But I have been running mine off this hub non stop and have had not issues at all. BAD *** VAPEIN. HOLLA! Do this at your own risk. Because I am not doing this for you or there with you, all responsibility is on the person that decides to perform this procedure. This is completely experimental, use at your risk people. PEACE!! If you want some pics let me know, I can post some on here. This will only take you 5-10 minutes. I've gotta get back to my rockin PT Now. --Jason--
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