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Everything posted by Luv2CUSmile

  1. Would this be the method for ALL atty's? I have a Dragon (M401) & a Sidesho- I got the Dragon in this past Friday (so have vaped w/ it for the last 3 1/2 days- I was going to clean it to change flavors- After a few posts about the taste of last flav interrupting taste of new flav- ... Thought it was a good tip- Is it necessary? I guess maybe only certain flavors? At any rate, I heard (read) hydrogen peroxide was supposed to work like a charm- As far as blowing the atty out- Can it be done by mouthor canned air only? By mouth can your lips touch the silver portion between the atty "V" piece and the battery threads? Otherwise by mouth how would you do it? Thx for any help ~Luv
  2. Thx guys! Greatt responses- I appreciate all the feedback. I am going to browse a few liquid sites to choose some flavors and strengths- I will check out the DIY section another time- Not sure if I want to get that deep. LOL Hopefully the liquid available will be fine in some form- Now, Just to find a site w/ good CS, ship time, and quality product- Thx
  3. Thx so much! I figure I will try it at first when it gets here but I already know I will probably not care for it- So.. alt the flav a bit by adding menthol or something and get a tobaccoey mint flav (like a menthol cig) or even a cherry tobacco, etc- I figure I can stand it until it is out & I can clean it out and refill w/ something I prefer- I wish of the 2 e-cigs I chose to purchase, neither place gave a choice of prefilled carts or a sampler but the units were what I was most interested in- I figure the flavor carts and juices are trivial since I can get a myriad of flavors to use afterwards. JD would have switched it I believe but they were out of stock on the menthol and that is all I asked for other than the regular...
  4. Good video Review- I am going to look more closely again at the 901- Just one suggestion Next Video Reviews- No music in the background? I could hardly hear you and both my internal and external speakers were way up- Help us "old" folks out Royce! LOL Thx again for the review!
  5. Not sure if this is the right place to post this- I need to know- Can I or has anyone added a "flavor" to existing cartridge i.e. I ordered a kit that comes w/ regular Marlboro carts- I can't stand a reg cigarette- so.. can I add menthol or cherry etc to that cart to alt the flavor a bit until I use them up? Would I do it just like a refill? Thx everyone!
  6. Great post! Can anyone add to this for us newbies! Encompass also 188B 401, 402, etc VP models and others... I am still searching and if I can get parts from other suppliers it would be great!
  7. Thx so much! I have literally been non-stop googling things for the last 2 days- I know that seems not a lot of time in a way but when I say constantly I really do mean CONSTANTLY- I have put in my first order w/ TrueSmoker for the Dragon- Other than the fact that it doesn't have a PCC as of yet- I really think this one will be it (Unitil the Phoenix comes out, anyway) I am looking to order for my husband now and really am still leaning to the Sidesho (Modern Vapor)- It has a PCC and is supposedly a better version of a 401 even though it says the parts do not interchange... confusing there but, oh well- only other thing is the price is a bit steep compared to other models- I am not keen on the manual option of the 510 and as far as the 801 & 901 go... just too much like a pen I believe- I mean loooong- maybe at some point if I could hold, feel, touch, etc- see how it feels- Heaviness, etc- Otherwise... & the VP's seem huge- not looked at a lot of them but I almost have blinders on now- Maybe not a good thing- I am still reseatrching other types, incl. a 510- if I could find an automatic... But I like the PCC feature w/ the kit and If I could find one that is along those lines- I believe I will ****** it up- Otherwise, I may be getting the Sidesho... Oh- There is a 25% discount code so it does bring cost down and review of the company seems to be good to what I have read so far- JD @ Truesmoker has been great! I like that he is also on the boards and helps however he can. Looking at the Spider too- Not sure what model it is though- I definitely am not going with the Blu- It is an awesome looking ecig- but as I have learned through all of this - Looks have nothing to do with performance and I believe that we all care more about performance, etc Thx again for all the input! I may end up getting another Dragon- We just wanted to try 2 different types so we could see which we preferred- I will be soon getting flovors - TODAY- More than likely Nuvape- so far w/ the taster packs and sale they have going on- seems a no brainer- would like to get reviews of their juice 1st though- make sure they are good not nonexistent, etc I am still reading guys- Thx again
  8. Thx! This is one of the one's I plan to get- Many reasons you stated and others I found in other reviews over other models- Now, to find a second unit that is just as pleasing but comes w/ a PCC!
  9. Those pictures are disgusting! LOL I was also wondering about the Menthol Crystals... Has any1 here used them yet?
  10. Okay, since I have to post in Noob area- I hope I can get a response to this Wondering how to determine Nicotine strength we should order- I am a Menthol Lights smoker now- My intention is to get off Nicotine completely, yet gradually- Also, How will you know if the PG is irritating to you or not... I am not sure I want to order a whole bunch of "juice" and find that the PG is just too strong or makes me swell, throat hurt, etc- Any1? Thx!
  11. Okay, again I am new here- also new to the whole E-cig scene- very excited about it though! I first saw Blu cigs through an ad on Craigslist- I was intrigued and decided to do some researching - Long story short, I really like the concept of Blu cigs and they have a great marketing vid on their site- However, I want a cig w/ less hassle and probs than what Blu seems to provide- I am 99% going to order a Dragon- But we are (my husband and I) both getting a kit and even though, at first I was going to get 2 of the same so we could use each others stuff- I now think we will try one of each that I choose- SO... Sidesho seems to be one close to Blu- has a PCC, various strengths, etc- The price tag is a bit more steep but I like the overall package and features- Seems to have good reviews from what I can find so far- Any input? It does say a better designed 401 (which is the Dragon) but then it says the parts are not compatible... ? confusing- I also looked at the Volcano but can not find enough info on it to take that leap- I am looking for an E-cig that is very close to an analog- I am not wanting to deal w/ batteries not charging properly, atty's going out on 1st day, etc- Biggest of all (I know defects are bound to happen) I want to order from a company/site w/ excellent Customer Service!- Thx so much!
  12. I am looking at purchasing the Dragon- However, I don't like the "Marlboro" flavor- would rather have a menthol or even a sampler pack to try- wonder if JD would be able to do this? I have only recently started looking at e-cigs and in 2 days have researched so much I almost had myself confused- But now, I think I am finally at my place- We are ordering 2 kits - 1 for me and 1 for hubby- So I may get another type to try as well- I wish the Phoenix was out already- & I wish the PCC was already available... I just like the protability of that PCC
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