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  1. thanks dude thats very helpful!
  2. E-Cigarette E-cig or E-cigarette - Electronic Cigarette PV - Personal Vaporizer Atty - Atomizer Cart - Cartridge Bat - Battery Filler - The fiber found inside your cartridge that holds your e-liquid PCC - Personal Charging Case SD - ScrewDriver JS - Janty Stick PT - Passthrough or passthrough battery 2-piece/Disposable - 2 part e-cigarette. The Battery and a "cartomizer". Cartomizer - An atomizer built into the cartridge, marketed as disposable (you throw it away when the e-liquid is used up). 3-piece - 3 part e-cigarette. Battery, Atomizer, and Cartridge. Cutoff - Refers to how long the battery will activate the atomizer before shutting down (safety measure to protect the atomizer). what is "2.0 ohm" <-- what does this do i hear about 3.7 volts and 6V whats the differences?? also signal carts and double carts i know thats how many carts are inside the thing heating the e juice but where is the balance i just want " thick vape" and "strong hit" dont want to feel like im breathing air... witch has been my past exsperience with one i bought in the mall called " blu "
  3. im all the way up in freestone county , but i dont understand the mixtures and stuff (PG) Propylene Glycol <--dont know what that is i just thought it was all nicotine flavored drops and it all works the same i see its more complicated then tthat
  4. Ok--- for the past 3-5 hours i have been researching FOR the best what i guess the Vapor community is calling Throat hit and and vapor?!?! needless to say i have tried E-cigs before but they died out to soon didnt give me a good enough hit to keep me away from a cigarette key notes "+*^*+" i dont care what it looks like, i want a good strong thick vapor and i need a good amount if nicotine i smoke 2 - 2 1/2 packs a day thanks alot guys~!
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