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    SeanVapes reacted to Jeffb in Smoke Free Counter   
    Click on my banner, insert your info, cut and paste BB Code into your signature on your Profile page.
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    SeanVapes reacted to Uma in Favorite E Liquid Of Choice?   
    Tough question. I have a lot of favorites and can't pick just one and only one. There's also a ton of places I haven't tried yet, and I've been vaping since January 1-ish of 2011 I think it was.

    But I do love these:

    1. Dulcis by VaporTalk. (great all day ry4-ish type of vape, but not heavy, not too sweet, it's just right for all day).
    2. Boba's Bounty by AveJuice... (like having a smoke after eating a graham cracker crust type of dessert. It also compliments well with any of my other juices that may linger on the atty).
    3. OutLaw by PinkSpotVapors (best 555 type I've had yet. Has a fullness about it, with a sweet exhale that leaves me wanting more).
    4. SnickerDoodle cookie by MsTsBakery. (cinnamon, vanilla, and .... addicting. Requires a dedicated atty for it)
    5. Every single flavor I've tried from PinkSpotVapors so far. (15).

    Still dying to try:
    1b. BackWoodsBrew ... RY4 and GoldRush. (they are #1 for Ry4 and is hard to find in stock. They have the best Vanilla bean ever which is used in the RY4)
    2b. Nitelitevapors ... BountyHunter. (a great RY4 in the most affordable price ever. Their other flavors are popular too).

    Picking just ONE, I'd have to go with:
    1. Boba's Bounty today. It has great vapor to go along with the great flavor and today my needs require both.
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    SeanVapes reacted to Viper Ron in Got Pics?   
    My eGo performing LIVE!
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    SeanVapes reacted to Jeffb in Got Pics?   
    My beautiful Provari with a MAP tank:

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