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About shewolfe

  • Birthday 01/14/1976

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  1. I got it yesterday, I really like it. How you described it is spot on. It has a very rich, sweet, (not sugary) mild taste to it. I gotta say though, I do think it's a bit over rated. It's a really good juice, but I can't really see why people are absolutely crazy about it, yes taste is definitely subjective. I made the mistake of mixing it with another liquid, it's much better alone. I think I will try gorilla juice by AVE next.
  2. I just ordered some Boba's Bounty everyone speaks so highly of, I can't wait to get it I really like Sexy Beach from Mister e-liquid, I got it as a sample and thought it would be gross and now it is all I want to vape. I like french vanilla, has a good TH. Can't stand any tobacco flavors other than RY4 because they all taste like rotten maple syrup to me haha. I tried lemon ice and I think it taste like a Hall's cough drop eeew. I am still searching for my all day vape, it takes a while to find what you really like, and mixing them sometimes works to make a really nice flavor. Really want my Boba's I am down to my nasty juces!
  3. Thanks Viper Ron and Dayvape, very helpful, you answered my questions!
  4. So I wanted to give a big thanks to Dayvape, and anyone else who told me about the EMDCC (ego mega dual coil cartomizer) it is so perfect! It suits all my vaping needs and is cost effective. I love how the flavor comes through so nicely and gives huge clouds of vapor. I went to a really cool store yesterday called The Vaporium, they let you sit down and test all their juices, and they carry everything except EMDCC's haha. Oh well at least I have Madvapes for that. So now my question is, are boge 510 cartomizers worth purchasing? Also do I just screw them on my ego batt? Or do I need a cone? Do I need a drip tip to put on it? I forgot to ask the owner yesterday the Vaporium, I was too busy testing flavors, which BTW my favorite is RY4 by Volcano:-D
  5. That is true, I'm sure it takes way longer, glad I found a store in my area that carries all sorts of supplies!
  6. Thanks, that's very helpful. I will look them up on fb!
  7. Can someone please recommend a great place to order e-juice and various e-cig supplies from? Fast shipping and reliable? I am having some issues with Madvapes right now:-(
  8. Also, mjradik thanks for the vid! I watched that earlier and was extemely helpful!
  9. Wow, that helps so much! I just ordered from madvapes, I went through health cabin first, but didn't trust their deliver system from China, I need juice like now, so hopefully madvapes will deliver fast!:-)
  10. Thanks for all the helpful replies! I am going to order these from madvapes. http://www.madvapes.com/eGo-Mega-Dual-Coil-Cartomizer_p_3225.html# My question is, are these type b? It doesn't specify and I don't want type a's seeing that I have a type be battery.. hmm
  11. Hi everyone, so I have been doing some research and have decided to go with the eGo Mega Dual Coil Cartomizer. I do have a few questions though because I am switching from the tank system to this. First how long does one cartomizer last? And how do I refill it? I have came across some youtube vids, but I don't want to mess with a syringe so I think I will use the "condom method." Does it come with a condom? And can I just drip after the initial fill? Do I need to order drip tips as well, or does it come with them?
  12. Great, thanks! I am using 26mg right now and plan on going down a bit. I appreciate all the help here!
  13. Also, another question real quick, this may be a silly one; but I was wondering what strength nic juice y'all use?
  14. GREAT VIDEO Christopher.
  15. Wow! Thanks for all the help! This place is definitely where I will go if I ever have a question I will check out what almost everyone told me to get. The ego mega dual coil cartomizer, it sounds much more my style. Thanks again everyone!
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