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Everything posted by Chorddd

  1. These are all great responses. After looking up all the models suggested I have leaned to look at the Ego the most. I will make an order for one by the end of the week(basically after I pay this semester's classes), and if this works for me I'll definitely consider trying different models and what not. Thanks for the replies guys, this has been a lot more helpful than clueless Googling.
  2. I've recently found out about this forum researching E-cigs. I have been smoking cigarettes for just about 5 years(10-15 cigs a day). I went cold turkey drinking alcohol, then led to more cigarette consumption. My questions are what models\brands E-cigs have you guys had most success on quitting cigarettes with? and is this a possible cheaper alternative than the real thing? I pay $6.50 a pack. I'll truly appreciate for some feedback because I want my body to be healthy again and would like to start by getting rid of my addictions as soon as possible.
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