I just resurrected three dead, cold DSE-901 atomizers. 3 of my original 4 died. No vapor...in fact they wouldn't even warm up. Dead as dead can be. I tried everything...blowing them out, rinsing them, dropping them in boiling vinegar, dropping them in coca-cola baths....nothing. Then I did this.
1) Blew them out from the battery end to get as much liquid out as I could.
2) Dropped them in a pan of water and brought it slowly to a boil, and stirred the attys around a bit.
3) Brought it to a full boil, and let it boil hard for one minute.
4) Took them out, careful not to burn myself...they were hot, obviously, and let them cool off on a paper towel.
5) When they were cool I blew the water out, blowing from the battery end of course. Made sure they were dry inside and out.
6) Dropped two drops of e-liquid on each atty bridge
7) Popped in a fresh juicy cart and attached a fresh battery.
and.....voila...like magic...all 3 vaped like crazy. Very happy. Still have four fresh ones coming, since this may not last long, but panic mode is OVER.