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Everything posted by LindaBird

  1. Hi I'm new to e cigs gave up smoking 4 weeks ago started off with a sky cig but was no good for me, I was a 40 aday smoker and I needed something that was going to give me good battery life, a good throat hit, and economical by filling myself After a lot of research I brought the ego t from easy cigarette .com and was really pleased with the ego t except in 2 weeks I'm on my 4th atomiser, I have tried cleaning them in coke as easy cigarette told me to, have tried boiling them, but no matter what I do I have totally lost the throat hit and there seems to be no pull:( I can't afford to keep buying new ones, I was wondering as I vape a lot maybe I have picked the wrong e cig, any advice recommendations would really be appreciated as I really do not want to go back to smoking Many thanks linda
  2. Hi I'm new to e cigs I have a ego t which I got from easy cigarette.com have had it for 2 weeks, I love the ego but I am on my 4th atty dose not matter how much I clean them, I seem to lose the throat hit no pull there, would appreciate any advice please Many thanks linda
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