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About LindaBird

  • Birthday 07/19/1964

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  • Location
    United kingdom

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  1. Lol come again hehe which ones r they I'm still getting my head around all of this x
  2. Hi everyone haven't been on in a while, best wishes to u all if u remember I have been using a ego t with mega dual cartos, just feel like its time to branch out, have been thinking about buying a lava tube, could anybody tell me what their experience is with it, happy or not, and will the mega dual cartos works well with it, if not could anybody recommend anything else that's would reduce a good th and plenty of vapor, I am a heavy vapor and am really pleased to say have not touched real cigs in 13 weeks thank you to all that reply x
  3. Thanks guys would not mind buying a good quality ego t, but somebody told me I can't buy from outside the uk because of customs, and to be honest I was gutted as I have noticed America do the ego t in colours other than black or silver, like pink red green etc, would love them in all colours lol typical girly girl plus wouldn't shipping be mega high, must say tho am lovely the ego mega dual coil carto, they r fanstatic, and I do not have to worry about burnt out or just giving up the ghost atts, or cleaning which suits me fine lol If u could answer any of my questions would be great Once again thanks very much
  4. Thank you will go have a look at this site as well, r they double coil as well
  5. Hi kitsune just to say ordered my double coil cartos from the above site u recommended and what can I say ordered mon they arrived today, free shipping super fast delivery and wow what a product hehe the throat hit and vapor r mind blowing lol told my husband will have to order by the truck load lol as his head falls into his hands haha only winding him up lol I'm a happy vapor tonight that's for sure Once again a big thank u for all yr help
  6. Thanks guys yr all been such a great help received my double coil cartos this pm and wow what can I say, I'm so pleased the vapour and throat hit is second to none, so much that I've noticed need to slow down a bit as I go quite lite headed and my body seems to go quite week & shaky, I might have to consider going down to 18mg once I get through my 4 30ml bottles lol but I'm not complaining that's for sure, I was so on the edge of falling back to reg cigs but now hopefully that's well and truly in the past THANKS GUYS
  7. Lol like I said to him I could always go back to reg cigs lol no way does he want that, just ordered 6 ego mega carto can't wait till they come, will let u know how I get on once again thanks for all yr help
  8. Thank u my husband thinks I've lost the plot lol
  9. as I'm finding out lol thank u there is no way I want to go back to smoking its 1 month today I haven given up
  10. Ah thank u kitsune u have given me a lot of good advice to think about, have spent all day on this iPad research research research and I now feel I am understanding just a little bit more, thanks to all yr great advice, ) thank u will get busy ordering
  11. Thanks everyone I have more of a idea now, think there's a lot of trial and error I'm finding out lol yr all been really helpful, think I will keep with the ego but also give the mega carto people r talking about a go as well fingers crossed
  12. Thank u viper Ron my liquid I would say is quite dark and thick when I buy liquid in future is there a better juice I should by, am going to give the mega carto a go and hopefully my problems will be solved would u say the mega carto would last 1 week to give me some idea how many to order, thanks so much for all yr help
  13. Another quicky do u need anything to fill the cart with yr juice )
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