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Everything posted by TheSmokingMan

  1. Funny you should bring up vinegar. Y'all are going to think this is gross but it actually happened last night. We use vinegar around our house for everything. Every three months or so when the Tinea Pedis (Athlete's Foot) acts up, I soak my feet every night for three days in straight vinegar until they get pruney. After the third day all of the dead skin falls off including the calluses and I am left with pink baby smooth skin on my feet and no more Athlete's Foot for three more months. I had the foot massager full of vinegar under my desk last night and my DSE801 while connected to the USB rolled off the desk and splash, right into the vinegar. Acting with lightning speed, I yanked the USB out of its port and plucked the 801 out of the clutches of this acid bath but not before it was completely saturated. I thought for sure it was going to be shorted and ruined. Not wanting to vape vinegar especially not vinegar that I had soaked my feet in, I throughly wiped everything down and soaked up as much of the vinegar as I could out of the atomizer. I then soaked everything in Isopropyl Alcohol (50% strength was all I had). I then throughly dried the atomizer and cart with a paper towel. Connected the atomizer back to the usb pass-thru and dripped on four drops of Dulcis and vaped away with no bad taste. This little accident did get rid of the taste of the Exotic Tobacco flavor that I had used the day before and was still tasting in the "Cola" I vaped yesterday. I told you it was gross, but I made sure it was clean before I vaped on it again.
  2. Well, I didn't get back to the office as early as I thought, I've been spreading the e-Cig news tonight. Anyway, I just got back in and as promised I vaped Liquid Express' "23" all day today. It did well in my opinion. I ordered the 24Mg nicotine level and I have been vaping it all day with no ill effects or bad taste. i started this morning at the computer with my DSE801 for awesomevapor.com and a USB pass-thru. I received a call about 11:30am and had to leave the office. On the road I switched to my batteries to for the DSE801 and took it to the job site. That's when my day went to ****. One of my moronic employees connected 240volts to a 115volt aerobic sewer system and blew out $800.00 worth of electronics. Yes, that comes out of my *** pocket and I can't legally take it out of his last paycheck this Friday. I did however, give him a good reference on his first job interview today with another company. So, completely stressed I head back to the office. By this time I was on my second battery and still vaping "23", I didn't kill anybody on the way back to the office so I guess it was working. I stopped by the bank and picked up payroll. When I got back to the office I hooked the DSE901 back to the USB and vaped "23" for the rest of the afternoon. It has stayed a constant flavor all day and into the evening with no aftertaste and great vapor. I haven't experienced vary much dry mouth with any of the flavors or brands that I have tried. I am generally drinking something all the time though. I start off with a pot of coffee in the morning with cream and sugar, by lunch I generally have a Coke and tonight I had 2 cups of coffee at Bible Study. Now I am back in the office am drinking a Tia Maria and Coke and will have one or two glasses of wine before I go to bed in a few hours. So as for my opinion the "23" from Liquid Express is a good all day vaper if you like the taste of Dr. Pepper. One thing I' like to say about Dr. Pepper though. I like Dr. Pepper but I don't like the Dr. Pepper that the rest of the country drinks. We who know where to find it drink a special Dr. Pepper not bottled anywhere else but Texas. The product is Dublin Dr. Pepper bottled in Dublin, Texas, not far from the family ranch/farm. So when I make the three hour drive there I always pick up ten or so cases and bring them back to Houston with me. It is made with the original 1843 formula and it is made with "Imperial Pure Cane Sugar" and not High Fructose Corn Syrup like the rest of the country. Nanny nanny boo boo!
  3. It is good that you spend a lot of time researching the products. I spent two weeks every evening for about 4-5 hours a night researching e-Cigs. I am glad that I didn't just call the Smoke Assassin people and get screwed by their "Free Offer" when I heard it on the radio. I tried to make an informed decision as it was the responsible thing to do in order to combat shysters. I don't care what model you get or if it has a PCC with it or not, My advice is always buy extra batteries for your model. I didn't like the manual option on my Titan 510, but everyone raves about having the manual switch, personally, I couldn't get the hang of it. I have a DSE901 and a DSE801 and I really like them both. I was concerned about the length and weight at first but when they came in, my fears were all for naught. The DSE901 is not that long and is not that heavy. Although heavier than an analogue cigarette they are still light enough for me to clench between my teeth like a pipe as I vape on it and use it hands free. The DSE801 is a bit longer and a little heavier but I think that the improved performance is a good trade off. I still hold it between my teeth and smoke it hands free also. The 901 is a tad heavier and longer, but that has not pervented me from using it like I used to smoke my pipe. I am currently waiting on my VP2's to be shipped. They do look huge but if the performance is as good as everyone says it is then I say, "Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" I don't care what it looks like. I'm sure it's not as big as that oxygen tank that my Aunt rolled around with before she died of emphysema.
  4. Me too! I have this thing hanging out of my mouth all day long and when I get back to the office I'm wired into the computer on a pass-thru. I go thru about 14 batteries in a normal work day for 8am to 5pm and then I just vape all night on the computer. I use about 4-5ml of juice per day. It's still cheaper than $5.49 per pack of cigarettes. There are some here that would call that excessive but that is the way I smoked cigarettes and it's mostly the ritual and not the chemical that I am addicted to.
  5. Great, Glad to be of some help. The "23" tastes like a Dr. Pepper, and I ought to know what Dr. Pepper tastes like. It's great! I am going to vape it all day tomorrow just for you so I can give you an honest answer. I vaped Janty's "Cola" all day today and it was ok, the flavor is a little weak but much better than Johnson Creek. I'd say it was one notch below Vapor Talk Juice. I'll let you tomorrow (of today since it's after midnight) how the "23" did. I should be back at the office by 4 or 5pm (Texas Time (CST)).
  6. I concur with BirdDog. I have the three listed above and they all worked very well. I have placed an order for two VP2's, they were pricey at $130.00 each but I plan on sticking with this thing and I want to maximize the effect. I have been vaping for twelve days now and I have already reached the opinion that size doesn't matter (now if I could just convince my wife of that) and I don't care if it looks like a cigarette anymore (no pun intended). It takes me an hour to use a battery in the DSE901 and nearly three hours to charge it, therefore I have plenty of extra batteries and start the day with fully charged batteries and two chargers in the truck.
  7. When I received my e-Cigs in the mail, I stopped smoking cigarettes. I hadn't planned it that way, I just didn't see the need to go back. I still have three and a half packs of Carltons sitting on my desk and don't plan on smoking analogues anymore (except one every few days to see how my tastes are changing). When I placed my first order I kind of went overboard. I first purchased a DSE901 from awesomevapor.com, I also purchased two extra batteries and a sample pack of juice because I had read the forums first and did the research and felt that I needed the extra batteries in case the others failed. Minutes later, I was at totallywickede-liquid.com and ordered a Titan 510, a PCC for said Titan and a "Super-E". I purchased from awesomevapor because I liked Arno's straight forward video on his site and it was not a pushy marketing site and I liked the prices, but I was looking for an e-Cig that looked like a real cigarette. That is why I purchased the Titan and the "Super-E" from TW. I am now glad that I purchased such a wide variety of products. I have found that I liked the DSE901 best, but the batteries didn't get me thru the day and I ended up vaping the other two until the batteries were charged for the DSE901. Therefore I have purchased a lot of extra batteries for my DSE901 as I smoke it all day. I personally (because I was a real heavy smoker and I am under a lot of pressure during the day) go thru about 14 batteries in a work day (8-5). I'm sure that that sounds excessive and it probably is, but I vape all day long, constantly. But that's just me, the amount of batteries you will need will be determined by how much you smoke(ed). I also use about 3-4ml of juice per day. I did not like the Titan 510. I couldn't get used to the manual battery. I gave the Titan and the PCC to one of my employees that was interested in e-Cigs too. A few days after that, I ordered a DSE801. I was so happy with the 901 and I saw great reviews on the 801 from Chris And Sean that I purchased one the day after the 901 arrived. The 801 vapes very well and I now have a pass-thru so I don't have to have the batteries for it, but it uses an incredible amount of juice. I only get about 5 minutes vape out of 3-4 drips (drops). I still use the "Super-E" I like it so/so. I didn't like the round cart as it was hard to hold in my teeth so I just use it without a cart and it works great. I have had very good fortune with the products that I have purchased. Totally Wicked has vary fast customer support and awesomevapor.com has great customer service and there is an element of personal care with his invoices and writings (his daughter Amanda helps him with his business), they are a great team over there and I have nothing but good things to say about Awesome Vapor. They do however, have a limited selection as he only sells what he has the utmost confidence in. I do have a quarrel with Totally Wicked. I purchased a five pack of batteries for the 901 (that I purchased from Awesome Vapor), because they were cheaper than Awesome Vapor's. That was a mistake, they don't function like the original batteries and two of them have gone on the blink and I haven't had them a week. While at the ranch this past Saturday one of Totally Wicked's batteries failed to shut off and I had it in my shirt pocket and it burned out the atomizer, fortunately I had the spare that came with the kit. Of the 9 batteries that I had received from Awesome Vapor all are working fine except the one I shorted out trying to see if it would work on the 801 (which it wouldn't). It is my advice to you that you do a lot of study before jumping in and purchasing a product especially if you have limited funds.
  8. See! Where else can you get advice like that? My juice doesn't stay around long enough for spoilage to be a problem, but it is good to know not to leave it in the truck, since it was 90F here today (jacket weather).
  9. In addition to sampler packs, you can order small bottles of one flavor like Vapor Talks "Mentha" if you have a problem with the PG then there are supplies that carry VG flavors. You can also DIY (Do It Yourself) by purchasing either PG or VG as a base, purchasing straight nicotine juice (unflavored) and purchasing flavors (extracts) and mixing your own. There is a DIY forum on this site that is open to the public and it should yield a lot of helpful information about mixing your own vaping juice. Your posts are above 5 now, so you should be able to post in all forums on this site I wish you well and much success with quitting smoking, please don't give up, this site can offer a lot of support if you just ask.
  10. I guarantee you you will get many replies to this, Noobie or not. I was a heavy smoker and I started with the 18Mg strength when I ordered my first batch of juice. I found that the 18Mg was not strong enough to satisfy my craving for nicotine. I ordered some 36Mg next and it hit the spot. The third batch I ordered I requested the 24Mg and it is doing fine these past two days. Keep in mind that I was a two and a half pack a day smoker (Carltons). Also keep in mind that nicotine is not the only substance that you are addicted to when smoking analogue cigarettes and it usually takes a higher dose of nicotine to defeat the cravings for all of the other junk in analogues that you are also addicted to. If you don't want to spend a lot of money at first on juice the order a sampler pack they normally come only in 18Mg strength and give 10 or more flavors in a 3 or 5 Ml bottle. I have found sampler packs at awesomevapor.com, Johnson Creek and eastmall.net. I have ordered from awesomevapor and found them to be great over there. I ordered from Johnson Creek and everything was fine, except the juice is lacking (in my opinion). I haven't ordered from eastmall.net and have reservations because they are in China and who knows how much lead is in that stuff!! (kind of a joke). My advice to you is to shop around for sampler packs and if the 18Mg juice is too high for you then cut it with VG (Vegetable Glycerin) or PG (Propylene Glycol) . VG is available at Michaels, Wal-Mart (no "s") and CVS and PG is available where cake decorating supplies are available, like Wilton products (my wife uses PG in her cake icings).
  11. I have been vaping for only 12 days, so, I'm no expert. I read everything I could on vaping while waiting for my first order. When I received my first three e-Cigs I never opened any of the carts that came with the kits, I took Chris and Sean's advice and went to direct dripping using the dummy carts that came with the e-Cigs. A few days ago I did open one of the carts that came with my DSE901 to see what the cart tasted like, not bad but the juice I purchased separately is much better. I have been tried awesomevapor's sampler juices and they are good. I bought the sampler from Johnson Creek and found that the flavors are really subtle and the vapor production was medium to light. Saturday the juices that I ordered from dietSMOKES.com came in the mail. I ordered Liquid Express, Janty and Vapor Talk Juice's. Above all the Vapor Talk Juice is the best producer of vapor and the best in flavor. The Janty creates the same amount of vapor but the flavor is about one notch below Vapor Talk's juice. I haven't tried all of the Liquid Express' but the "23" flavor is great and a good vapor producer and is equal to Vapor Talk's juice.
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