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Everything posted by TheSmokingMan

  1. In 2009 when I started vaping, it took me about a week to completely quit the analogues. That was in August, by January 2010 I was smoke free and only vaping. I started with a very high strength juice (36mg) and weened my self down to Zero. I vaped more when I had cravings, that is how I got through the rough spots. I have again quit smoking (2 days now), I have been just vaping through the cravings, which have been fewer and fewer. I made a deliberate and conscious decision to quit this time, cold turkey with no hidden analogues on the property to fall back on. Since I am not mixing analogues with vaping, the vapor tastes better (in my opinion). In the past when I have "played" with quitting, I'd vape a little and then smoke. The vapor tasted kind of funky, but now that I am not smoking analogues and vaping, I'm just vaping, there is not that funky taste. Another thing that I also have going for me is, I don't go to bars and I don't hang around friends and family that smoke. I was the lone smoker in my circle of friends and family that I regularly see socially, so it isn't difficult for me to distance myself from smokers. If you are really serious about quitting smoking, then set a date and smoke your last analogue and just vape. Try not to hang aroung your smoking friends for a few weeks, until you are firmly off the analogues and just vaping for awhile. That's my advice, for what it is worth. We'll see how it goes for me these next few weeks.
  2. Man Dave, that is really a backward policy the company you work for has. I'm sure you have argued to pros of vaping to them. It's amazing how many people have drank the Kool-Aid from the media about eCigs. I'm really sorry to hear that you have given up on vaping. Maybe in the future you'll switch companys or they'll rethink their position on this policy. Were you the only vaper in the office? Did one of your co-workers raise the question or complain about you vaping at work?
  3. When I saw this I just had to say something... VaporTalk is the most accomodating forum you will find.<-Period! Unless you have blatantly lied about being a supplier or have spammed members of this forum, you will be accepted as who you are and your questions are always valid, even if you don't clearly state them. If you haven't gotten a response to your question, it's either that you didn't make it understandable or that the members just simply haven't had the time to figure out an answer. VaporTalk is the most helpfull forum and pleased to be that way, when they can, but remember, we're not all experts and some of us know less than others and don't want to give you bad information or advice. Your doing fine by asking questions, just don't expect immediate answers to all questions, we do what we can. I sort of came out of retirement to make the statement above, I'm sorry that I can't help you with your question, but give it a few, and some one will help you, like Jeffb or his brother Mark....
  4. Well it's about durn time! I live just outside of Houston and none of the doctors that I have spoken to are on board with eCigs. I discussed them briefly with our family doctor when my Aunt was being trated by him fro smoking related lung issues. He never told her she had to stop smoking. His view was that her health was so bad that taking away the cigarettes from her would do more attitude harm than physical good. His response to me when I asked about eCigs he said that he was aware of what they are and that they contain antifreeze and didn't recommend anyone inhaling that. That was his stance and didn't want to discuss it any further. Other doctors that I have spoken to start off that it is a controversial subject like herbal remedies. All have said that until they are proven safe by the FDA that they wouldn't recomment the use of any such device. It's funny how they all get real "textbook" about the subject when it's brought up and the informalness of the conversation changes to a pre-rehearsed statement and then they want to get off the subject.
  5. I have had a few different e-cigs over the years, certianly not as many as Chris or a lot of others here on the forum, but I have had my share of trials. I tried to research e-Cigs thoroughly before I made any purchases, I started by purchaseing an 808 fromTotally Wicked. They had just come out with the manual battery and I got both the auto battery and the manual. I didn't like the manual and gave the kit to one of my employees, who never used it. Then a few days later I bought a 901 and an 801 from Arno at Awesome Vapor, hours after I had made the purchase, I discovered Jesso over at VaprLife and bought a VP2. That was alll in my first week of vaping back in Septenmber of 2009. The 808 was neat, it looked like a real cigarette and it did what it was supposed to but the battery only lasted about 30 to 45 minutes of vaping and I ended up needing a lot of batteries to get throught the day, the same went for the 901 and the 801. I didn't like the 901 at all, no vapor, no taste and hardly any battery life. It was taking me 15 batteries just to get through a work day and I spent too much time arainging batteries on the charger to have them ready for the next day. The 801 was not much better with the batteriey life but it performed very well in the vapor production and flavor department. The VP2 solved the battery life issue and it took an 801 atomizer so it was perfect, I vaped on it for the duration. Jesso made a really great product with the VP2, then he came out with the Joker and I procured one of those. It was variable voltage, I didn't like it. The batteries didn't last very long and the higher voltages burned my tongue. So back to the VP2 with the 801 atomizer. Then came the e-Go craze, I bought 6 e-Go battteries back in 2010 and a whole bunch of tank atomizers and clearomizers. The batteries worked great with an adapter for an 801 but the tank and clear-omizers just sucked. So today I vape an e-Go battery with an adapter for an 801 Low Bridge (not LR) atty. The abosloute wors for me was the e-Go tank junk and clearomizer attys, then second worst after that was the 901 atty and battery. And by the way, almost 2 years the e-Go batteries are still going strong, I had the first one fizzle out last week.
  6. I personally never like scary movies because...they're scary! It wasn't just hers that tightened up, I can attest ot that!
  7. We started the series Homeland the other night, I have already seen it but my wife hasn't, so I'm watching it again with her. They have only made one season of it but I hope there is going to be more to come this year.
  8. Jericho? Is that the one about post apocalyptic America set in a small midwestern town? I have both seasons of that one and I would have thought the story line was played out on that one..
  9. Vaping is far cheaper (for me) than analogues. Here in Texas, I drop 16 bucks on 4 packs of what I'm smoking now (Pall Mall), because they're cheap. I smoke about a pack and a half a day, that's 6 bucks per day or 180 bucks per month. A bottle of eLiquid lasts me over a week and costs 8 bucks that's 32 dollars per month plus 10 bucks for a new atomizer each month. 45 bucks tops per month compared to 180. eCigs are much cheaper than analogues. When Big Tobacco gets rolling with this thing, the prices will go up, especially when the taxes kick in beacuse they are now classified as a tobacco product. So stock up now and do your best to ween yourself off the nicotine.
  10. So, Good thing or bad? Is the buyout of BluCigs by Lorillard going to help or harm the vaping community?
  11. It took me a few weeks in my limited spare time to transcribe this radio show to readable text. I have listened to the show so many times, I think I can quote it by heart. I'll never do this again. I'm sure some of you are going to ask why I did all this and that it seems like a waste of time. Let me explain my motive and purpose. Most of the (new) users here do not know me, but I have been a member, active and inactive, here on VaporTalk since September of 2009. There was a time when I was very active on this forum and posted daily, among other things. I recently noticed that there is not as much traffic on the forum as there used to be, others tell me because members have either moved on or have gone to video chat and such, and do not post on the forum as much. I felt that this discussion on VP Live was a perfect opportunity to generate a serious discussion about what is going to happen to the vaping community and I have provided this transcript as tool for that discussion. So download the .pdf file, read it, formulate your own opinions, cut and paste examples of the text in you posts, etc...etc...You have my permission to do what ever you want with this text on this forum. -TSM Also, there may be some typo's, I apologize up front for any that you find. Roundtable Discussion Lorillard buys Blucigs.pdf
  12. It's a depraved world we live in. God is just, they'll get theirs.
  13. Oh Clis, you sooo funny!
  14. My sentiments almost exactly. I watched all of my friends and family go nuts over Y2K. My father-in-law bought 100 acres and made it into a safe-haven for the family. He spent over half a million in two years preparing for Y2K. You wouldn't believe me if I told you all he did. The family was recruited to assist in the preperations. He had a lot of friends that were preparing also and me being an electrician got up to speed on photovoltaics real fast. I installed a lot of solar panels for a lot of people who were in a near panic over the situation, including a very smart doctor in Missouri with a mountain top retreat, complete with 60kw of diesel generators, medical facilities, food storage and an arsenal that looked like something out of Rambo. I spent the night of December 31st, in Laurie, Missouri at our lake house with my soon to be wife and her kids. I was prepared if the lights went out but not if society collapsed. I wasn't concerned that it was going to affect our way of life, I don't believe that anything will happen here of that magnitude. The government or the "powers that be" will not allow anything like that to happen because they would lose control. They are not going to allow that to happen. We stay prepared for natural disasters like hurricanes and have many places to go if our home is damaged and uninhabitable. I have ridden out three hurricanes in our present location and each time the power was out for two weeks. I have a generator that is big enough to keep the freezers and refrigeration running and I keep a good supply of gasoline on hand and diesel for the tractor. We live in the sticks and off the beaten path and have a well stocked pantry and a water well that will run off the generator. I'm not a nut but I do prepare for emergencies.
  15. Oh, no! I was wondering when a thread like this would show up here. We call ours Scat-Packs!
  16. I shudder when I think of what our society is becoming.
  17. Last night my wife and I watch Crazy, Stupid Love. It started real slow and it didn't hold my attention, but it was funnier toward the end. Overall I thought it pretty lame, definitely a movie for the women.
  18. My first car was a retired police car. A 1975 Ford Grand Torino, just like Starsky and Hutch! It had a large rubber covered back seat with just the right amount of room for two to lay down... Like this one but mine was blue.
  19. I have to agree with blucavvy on this point. I have been vaping since September of 2009 with a 2 year hiatus ending about now. I am not well traveled anymore as I used to be and haven't had a drink in a bar in over 15 years and haven't been to a night club in 20, but, I do run into a few people who vape and I see the cheap kits in the convenience stores. Everyone I have run into are using cartomizers that look like the old 808's (like a real cigarette). When I whip out my eGo with an 801 atty and a drip tip (I modified a cone to cover the fitting), they always say "Whoah! that thing is huge" and "It looks like a black dil do, that your sucking on". One very obvious thing that I have found to be true, analogue cigarettes are easy to smoke. When I started smoking a pipe years ago, My dad warned me about my job. He told me that he would never in his career as a business owner hire a pipe smoker because they'd spend all day trying to keep the d amn thing lit, and not getting work done. With an analogue there is no hassle, Phillip Morris invented the effortless smoking device that required nothing but fire and when it was done there was nothing left except a butt to toss out, completely disposable and easy to use. eCigs turned into a major hobby for me and consumed a lot of my time and money. I personally don't regret it one bit, but the mass majority of smokers are not wanting to take up the eCig as a hobby in order to make the switch. If they are going to switch, the product that they switch to has to be self contained, disposable, easy to use and work every time at a price that is comparable to a pack of cigarettes. I love eCigs and was a fool for starting back on the analogues but the majority of analogue smokers out there aren't willing to put the time and effort into it like us eCig hobbyists are, they just want to light up and go...
  20. Ha Ha Ha! Just wait, you'll do something dumb one of these days...
  21. He did, didn't he! I'm such an idiot sometimes. I really need to learn to read one day. Scratch that last post and just forget I said anything.
  22. By 1st world countries, do you mean developed countries like The United States, Canada, Australia, Europe and our "old country" The UK? Because, although I have no data to back this up, I thought that tobacco was becoming less and less used in these countries due to the heavy campaigns against tobacco use, smoking bans and gross aggressive taxation on tobacco products. However I understand that in 3rd world countries that do not have an organized and developed government like Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Eastern Block Countries (ie Chechnya, Bosnia, Poland, Macedonia etc...) that tobacco use is on the rise and that is the next big thing for the tobacco companies. This is just my observation and not anything that I have researched so I may be talking out of my arse. But it makes sense to me that Big Tobacco would exploit these countries because of the lack of organizations fighting legal battles there like the American (Or Mexican or Arab) Lung Association, The Coalition Against Smoking or whoever lobbies for this sort of legislation here can't do it there because the government isn't really formed well enough to provide any type of vehicle or mechanism of law or legislation for that sort of thing. (God, that is an awkward sentence)
  23. Have you seen Waking The Dead (not The Walking Dead), it's a British series with Trevor Eve. There is another good British series like it called The Wire. I found them both very intense, especially The Wire.
  24. Movies movies movies, I have 7 terabytes (yes, Tera-Bytes) of movies and television shows, it took me 3 months to convert my DVD library to matroska video files working every day on it. I'm a crime drama and action guy. I like the mental ones though and not a lot of BS explosions and unlimited supply of bullets in the gun. Lately I have been trying to spend more time with the wife and we have been watching the things she likes to watch like period movies about Henry the 8th and Dickens 1880's London type flicks (she like the clothes). Tonight we watched The Big Year with Steve Martin, Jack Black and that Idiot Owen somebody with the nose that looks like a...well you know. It kept me entertained for and hour and a half.
  25. That last post was number 700 (again), Woo-Hoo! About Houston Freeways, Why can they build 20 something miles of Toll Road around the East side of Houston in a matter of months and it's taken them 5 years to build 3 miles of freeway through Conroe? And why did it take a United States Congressman getting involved for them to finally finish I-10 on the West side?
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