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    nebulas got a reaction from Uma in Map Tank Vs Dc Tanks   
    What are peoples opinions on the different tank styles? I have currently been using the MAP Tank and absolutely love it. There really is no need for me to look at and try other stuff but I like trying out new things. I'm always on the prowl for the next best thing.

    My biggest question is what kind of lifespan are your DC cartos getting in the tanks and if you have experience with the E2 MAP Tank how does it compare? I know it draws like a champ but how does it compare to the E2 Tank? Better, not as good, about the same?

    Any other thoughts you have regarding the comparisons of the two are welcome too.
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    nebulas got a reaction from Uma in Nooob... Can't Reply To Threads   
    I am new to this forum. I saw some threads that I wanted to contribute to but I am not allowed to reply to them. Is there some kind of waiting period or post count quota I must meet before I can reply to any thread?

    On another note, I guess I will introduce myself. I have been a vapor for about 10 months. When I got my first ecig I actually didn't get it to quit smoking. I actually got it so I could smoke MORE! I was a diehard 15yr pack and a half to two packs a day smoker that had accepted the fate of death from smoking at 63 years old. (I'm only 31 now.) I LOVED smoking! I just hated all the smoking bans in all the bars and restaurants that forced me to stand outside in the cold like an outcasted criminal. So I purchased my first ecig kit so I could vape where I couldn't smoke and continue to smoke analogs as normally did. However, when I tried them, I was perfectly content puffing the ecig over an analog. For me it was super easy to give up the analogs. Maybe because I didn't have any rules about not smoking and I knew if I wanted a cig I could have one because I wasn't ever trying to quit, I don't know. It's almost like I quit by accident. Ever since I got my first ecig I have not gone back. Well, except a couple of times simply because I had dead batteries and a nic craving so I reluctantly lit up a smoke thinking I was going to be reminded of how much better real analog cigs are but to my surprise they tasted like complete garbage. I can't believe I actually smoked those nasty things for so long.

    I have tried to get friends and family on the ecig and after seeing that it worked for me they knew it must be real but they all tried and failed. For some it just didn't work and for others it was just too much work in maintaining the parts and keeping supply's on hand. I think it takes a certain type of person to quit with the ecig. First I think you have to understand that you are replacing your habit and not quitting your habit. I also think you have to be a person who likes gadgets and gizmos and likes to take them apart. I personally think it has more to do with that than needing the desire to really want to quit. JMO.
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    nebulas got a reaction from Uma in Smokeless Image Volt   
    I use the volt when I go out into public and don't feel comfortable using my mod because people think its a crack-pipe or something. I remember when I first got it I was disappointed with the vapor production but I don't know if it was just the carto or the batt wasn't charged properly but the next time I used it and every other time since it has always vaped like a champ. The vapor production is comparable to my 5v mod. It doesn't produce quite as much but pretty close. The volt cartos should do just fine but I guess it could help you troubleshoot and diagnose your problem by trying another brand because something is definitely wrong if you aren't happy with the vape production.

    Also, if you end up getting a new battery and you like the autos, then without question, spring for the new sealed autos. They are completely sealed and work just like the others. I can't tell a difference between the sealed and unsealed. I don't know how they work but somehow they know when you are taking a drag.
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