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Everything posted by variven

  1. Thanks Terijo,your a sweetie lol !!! OOOOOOOHHHHH "IT" does look cool !!!! Vari
  2. Chris was that link supposed to make a banner(albeit a non-working one)?I couldn't get it to do more than take my info.I just wanted to see how it looks lol.
  3. Sorry yall,but I've lost about 20lbs !
  4. ROFLMAOPMP !!!!!! I gotta agree with Stirfry.There's also the famous "I was just standing there and.........." Lol poor guy ! Vari
  5. Ok Dayvape your gonna think I'm a kook but here goes.A lot of people believe that focusing your thoughts on another person will truly help that person.I don't mean the power of prayer(although I fully believe in that as well).If you could post a pic of your Dad that would really help me at least to really focus my thoughts on him. SEE I knew you'd think I was a kook lol !!!! Tell your Dad I hope he feels better soon,and you too by the way.I know how awful it feels when someone you love is so sick. Suzy
  6. LMAO @ uma and nana !!!! I just wanna say,if it has a potty in there as well I could live in it too! Lol dave and juice,think about ALL the juice you could buy roflmao!
  7. Me too!!!!!! I have a lil box on the end of my dresser just for them(I think I'm gonna need a bigger box)!I have an even bigger problem,I can't seem to toss all those cute lil zip-lock bags lmao.Now THAT'S weird(they did come in handy on a trip a few weeks back so..............)Hope that helps Ann.Feel less weird now sweetie ?
  8. Febreeze sweetie lol. It works wonders !!!! Vari
  9. Was that chicks name really Donna DOOHER !!!!!!!!! ROFLMAOPMP !!!!!! That's tooooooooo funny! Vari
  10. Lmao dude !!!!! You really should use a moisturizer(a very strong one)!Very cool though. Vari
  11. Rofl Nana !!!!!!!!! For more than one reason. I used to work at a Zoo,after the stupid questions I got and the misplaced fear of snakes I saw. I CAN SEE THAT HAPPENING ROFLMAOPMP !!!!!!!!!!!!! Well almost.I'd like to think the Firemen would be a lil more careful than that lol.Ty for posting lol I gotta go blow my nose lol!Vari
  12. Aw Krissy that sucks all the way round! You came so close to dying that it's terrifying,then ya have some creep with issues treating you like that!!!! It's a wonder she's alive today(the nurse lol.Yer to tuff to die).Well I'm just glad your home safe. By the way,are we related lol? Like maybe twins separated at birth roflmao !!!!!!!!!!!!!You friend Vari.
  13. Lol I talked to my Sis-in-Law today.Her stuff got there yesterday a.m.(from Arno lol).She hasn't smoked since!She had been out,when she got back and walked in her house lol guess what?YEP she said her house STINKS!She didn't realize it before.Now she understands why we didn't come over much lol.Now I get to BUG her unmercifully roflmao !!!!! Way to go Sis-in-Law !!!!!!!!!!!!! Vari
  14. I just got back from spending a week with my family.Aside from my Mom they ALL smoke .Well I was just unpacking the last suitcase and when I opened it the SMELL almost knocked me down !!!!!! I realized two things I hadn't before.#1. You really DO smell like cigs,it's on your clothes,in your hair,all over your skin etc.I HAD washed clothes before I packed but the house smelled that strong of cigs.#2.I never once wanted a cig.You remember,if someone lights up you automatically do too.It never even crossed my mind lol.Here they were smokin like a freight train(like I used to)and I never even thought of it !!!!!! Pretty cool huh? Vari
  15. Ty JM,I have 5 cats I'll have to tell them about this kitty !!! Lol Smokin I know the feeling !
  16. Lol,I've lost about 12 lbs since I started vaping !!!!!!!! Mostly for the reasons you stated.Also I use the sweet flavors(cheese cake,banana,.....)so I don't crave goodies lol.GREAT diet huh lmao !!!! Vari
  17. Yep Jeff that's the one.
  18. I remember seeing a post on e-cig skinz and I bookmarked the site.I just happened to notice it again in my list(long list lol I really gotta cull lmao)I was just wondering if anyone ever ordered from them? I gotta wonder if they fit ANY cig because they don't show different sizes.Let me know please cause I really want the skull,and the bullet,and the pink camo,and......... Well you get it right lol! Vari
  19. Omg !!!!!!!!! That poor baby. I can't even imagine how awful her Mom is feeling right now.I would've never thought a USB cable could do THAT.I guess,if you think about it,it is a power cord.Is there some way to send get well wishes to Her and her Mom and Dad ? Vari
  20. I "think" I know what your trying to say Perfect. Sorta like it BURNS the back of your throat,makes you want to cough? Vari
  21. Ya read my mind POO !!! Lmao Vari
  22. I already blew out BOTH atty.I've tried everything!The only juice I have is rootbeer and strawberry-banana from my freedom smokes.I got 6 bottles of juice from them originally.The first 4 were great.Is it possible for juice to be bad Vari
  23. That is with dripping.I never use a cart. Vari
  24. Ok here's the trouble,batt's working fine,atty's working fine.I'm getting tiny amounts of vapor if any!What's going on?! Vari
  25. As I said in another post,I call mine a "nicotine delivery system" lol. Vari
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