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Everything posted by variven

  1. You guys are soooo awesome !! I'll check my stuff and see what I can do. I usually find people local to me who need it. Lol I set my Dr up with an ego how good it that mwahhahahaha!
  2. I've never ever washed out a new tank,and it's never ever been a problem
  3. Just tell him that hanging on to an oxygen tank and pissing in a bag is way less manly than any ecig
  4. I'm a true creature of habit I never change from my ego batts clearomiser attys and citic juices,but I just bought 2vivvi nova slim attys!!!! They keep running out of the clearomiser, I had to do something! Having trouble getting these things to work though. I'll keep fiddling with it till it works or I break it lol
  5. Ok I admit it lol that's me all the way lol! I NEVER EVER let myself run out of juice or clearomisers but I'm still checking those routing numbers lol
  6. Did they ever start working just curious I have a mini that's doing almost the same thing lol. Thankfully I have about 4 egos on rotation so it's not a huge deal,just very irritating lol.
  7. Ok at the risk of looking like a "moron " I've never tried to mix my own. I'll wait patiently for y'all to stop laughing haha.ive bought two bottles of unflavored pg and VG in the strength I use. What now? I know I need to order flavoring but I don't know what ratio I mix the unflavored. I mean like 50/50 60/40 or what. Can't wait for the answer lol. Let me say thanks ahead of time lol and I missed you guys bunches !!
  8. I haven't "smoked"since October 27th.That's when I got my first starter kit from Arno !!!!!!!!! Even the SMELL turns my stomach!!!
  9. The one I bought was from Madvapes.It was called the Hellotech 016.I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV this bad boy lol !!!!!! I even toyed with giving him a name rofl,that would seem nutty huh ? I haven't had a single problem with him yet ! Vari
  10. I dunno Bryan.On second look,one of the new batts is 600 mahs! Guess that one's out of the picture!!!! lmao.The other one reads-Ultrafire-10440 350mAH 3.7v-Protection Circuit.I had thought it was 360 but hubby says 350. Go figure lol.It really seems if I could shave some of the blue plastic off it would fit. But then we're back to that electrocution thing agin roflmao
  11. Uh,I get electrocuted lol ! I'm not a tinkerer Vari
  12. Thanks Mark and Bryan.I had a hopeful moment when I looked at the 2 new batts.They were 360,so I just gotta order the right batts right? Then I looked at the old batt that was in it. 360 MAH !!!!!!!!!!! ARGH !!!!!!!
  13. Here's the deal,so far I have bought 2 new 10440 batts for my 510 pt.I KNOW they're supposed to be a tight fit,but COME ON !!!!!!!!!!! I know I ordered the right batts,because the one that came out of it was a 10440(had to almost pry it out).Any words of wisdom anyone lmao? I really looooooove my pt.I reallyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna use it again !!!!! Vari
  14. Doesn't look like much of a sex toy to me lmao
  15. Ok I just found out that I'm the ONLY person in North America(or the world for that matter)that didn't know President Obama smokes !!!!!!!!!!!!! My idea is very very simple,let's send him a 510 starter kit.Maybe if the President of the United States of America uses one they'll leave us the HELL alone!! Just a thought Vari
  16. You know,the only thing that worries me about everyone "stocking up" is that by doing this you could actually "cause" the shortage !!!!! Just sayin lol
  17. How do you remove the OUTER casing on a paper clip ????!!!! Vari
  18. Lol yet another good use for taters LMAO
  19. Ok,did I miss sumthin? WHERES THE BABY?!!!!!! Your hiding Her ain't you Chris? Your sneaky like that.Oh I know what your gonna say"She's overdewwwwww".I just bet.Your being stingy,just plain ol stingy! LOL sorry,I had to vent lol.Trust me there's nothing you can do when your overdue !!!Just sit around and gestate Ashley.Now is the time you can be whiny and pissy and cold get away with it lol.Revel in your ballonness !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vari
  20. Ok,I got it up there. Now there's another problem. Why isn't it showing dollar amount saved? Everyone else seems to be doing that.I'm just gonna sit here and sob maybe even wail.ya,wailing is good,I'll wail. Vari
  21. Wayyyyyy to cool !!!!!!!!!!! I'd try to make one,but I'm fairly certain I'd electrocute myself lol !!!!!!!!!
  22. Awesome Vapors cream,vanilla,banana,&cherry.So far rofl.
  23. Gee thanks Jeff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just spent an hour drooling lol !! Scuse me,gotta go dry out my keyboard?
  24. Ok I hate to sound STUPID since everyone else seems to know how to do it.How do I get the old one OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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