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About variven

  • Birthday March 23

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  • Location
    North Carolina

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  1. You guys are soooo awesome !! I'll check my stuff and see what I can do. I usually find people local to me who need it. Lol I set my Dr up with an ego how good it that mwahhahahaha!
  2. I've never ever washed out a new tank,and it's never ever been a problem
  3. Just tell him that hanging on to an oxygen tank and pissing in a bag is way less manly than any ecig
  4. I'm a true creature of habit I never change from my ego batts clearomiser attys and citic juices,but I just bought 2vivvi nova slim attys!!!! They keep running out of the clearomiser, I had to do something! Having trouble getting these things to work though. I'll keep fiddling with it till it works or I break it lol
  5. Ok I admit it lol that's me all the way lol! I NEVER EVER let myself run out of juice or clearomisers but I'm still checking those routing numbers lol
  6. Did they ever start working just curious I have a mini that's doing almost the same thing lol. Thankfully I have about 4 egos on rotation so it's not a huge deal,just very irritating lol.
  7. Ok at the risk of looking like a "moron " I've never tried to mix my own. I'll wait patiently for y'all to stop laughing haha.ive bought two bottles of unflavored pg and VG in the strength I use. What now? I know I need to order flavoring but I don't know what ratio I mix the unflavored. I mean like 50/50 60/40 or what. Can't wait for the answer lol. Let me say thanks ahead of time lol and I missed you guys bunches !!
  8. I haven't "smoked"since October 27th.That's when I got my first starter kit from Arno !!!!!!!!! Even the SMELL turns my stomach!!!
  9. The one I bought was from Madvapes.It was called the Hellotech 016.I LUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV this bad boy lol !!!!!! I even toyed with giving him a name rofl,that would seem nutty huh ? I haven't had a single problem with him yet ! Vari
  10. I dunno Bryan.On second look,one of the new batts is 600 mahs! Guess that one's out of the picture!!!! lmao.The other one reads-Ultrafire-10440 350mAH 3.7v-Protection Circuit.I had thought it was 360 but hubby says 350. Go figure lol.It really seems if I could shave some of the blue plastic off it would fit. But then we're back to that electrocution thing agin roflmao
  11. Uh,I get electrocuted lol ! I'm not a tinkerer Vari
  12. Thanks Mark and Bryan.I had a hopeful moment when I looked at the 2 new batts.They were 360,so I just gotta order the right batts right? Then I looked at the old batt that was in it. 360 MAH !!!!!!!!!!! ARGH !!!!!!!
  13. Here's the deal,so far I have bought 2 new 10440 batts for my 510 pt.I KNOW they're supposed to be a tight fit,but COME ON !!!!!!!!!!! I know I ordered the right batts,because the one that came out of it was a 10440(had to almost pry it out).Any words of wisdom anyone lmao? I really looooooove my pt.I reallyyyyyyyyyyyy wanna use it again !!!!! Vari
  14. Doesn't look like much of a sex toy to me lmao
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