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Everything posted by Hawk

  1. Hey Nana, It does matter which pens you get.. I have found that the Papermate Pens (2 pack of either black or blue pens) with comfort grip have the best fit on a 510. I also found some no name Target brand ones, it's a pack of 5 pens (multicolor), all having black grips. It's the cheapest I have found so far. I usually feel em through the package to make sure they are not extremely soft or too rubbery feeling, and check that the pen shape is round, not triangle, or another weird shape. I have not found any that will fit the 801/302's. I think I'm going to order some of the T-tips for those atty's, as I really dig the open atomizer feeling now. At first it was a bit weird, but now I find that the airflow from especiall 510's is greatly improved with the pen grips, and I imagine it would be the same with the drip tips. Hope you're doing good.
  2. Just want to let everyone know what a great experience I had ordering from Madvapes. I ordered up a enough parts to make 3 AA box mods. When my package arrived, I was astounded to find 1 extra part of everything I ordered! And sure enough, I toasted my first box with the soldering iron! So the extras enabled me to make the 3 boxes I intended for. Right on. If you are looking for great customer service, speedy shipping, and help with mod making or any other products, I would definitely recommend Madvapes to anyone. Happy Vaping, thanks for reading. Hawk
  3. VaporKings sells the RN4081 atty's. My link
  4. If I'm using the carts that come with the lowres atty's, I take em out, and cut off the entire bottom portion of the cart, leaving only a small length which will fit into the atty. Other than that though, I have found the Pen Grip is ideal for dripping. It's cheap, keeps you from getting juiced, and although it doesn't look as good as drip tips, for me, spending $2 bucks on a five pack of pens, and getting 5 drip tips works!
  5. Kind Sir, you are too much!!! Yea, let me know bro. It seems like it has a break in as all of em do, but man, I am pretty darn stoked so far.... Now, back to my beer(s) and vape... Ahh the goodness of this life.
  6. So I just got home and opened up my package from Nhaler, containing 2 LV Magnum atty's and a bottle of Orange Cream HV juice! All I can say is whoaaa, these magnum atty's are the bomb!!!! So far I've only dripped 3x's, and it surely isn't near getting broken in, but I'm gettin clouds like I do at 5 or 6volts! I am really impressed with these atty's.I'm using the atty on my Silver Bullett with 18650 3000mah battery, so I anticipate it will be tomorrow at the soonest before I have to change out the battery. As for the juice, been loading my 5v box mod with the HV juice, and man what a difference. I'm getting clouds out of it, about the same as my homemade DIY juice which is VG heavy. I have to say that my juice does taste better, but this HV juice vapes just as good. So now to more vaping and enjoying. I would definitely recommend the Magnum atty's to any and all. The coolest part is that they don't seem to make the vapor sooo hot, it's more of a mellow vape with massive vapor.. I'm digging it! To JeffB - yours should arrive tomorrow brother, I beat you on ordering by 1 day...
  7. Right on Brian! I ordered mine on Thursday night, so hopefully have em here Monday. Can't wait!
  8. Hey Brian - I checked out a bunch of those posts and it seems it is mixed.... Most are saying to screw the atty onto the adapter first, then screw the adapter on to the unit. I have done both, although I get better vape with screwing the atty on to the adapter first, then the adapter onto the SB. One of the posts said to be careful that the oring in the adapter does not get pushed out of place (on the 510 threading) as it may cause a short and overheat the batteries leading to disaster... I'm gonna check out the adapter you have from goodprophets, and get one I think...
  9. Hey O, I use that same adapter on my Silver Bullet with the 302/304 atty. You have to screw it down pretty good to make contact, so if you are using the same atty you used in the JS V3, it should work as the JS connectors are usually pretty rough, breaking in the threads on the 302's. Just be ginger in screwing it down, but it should make contact and work.
  10. Yea I agree, those tips are a bit expensive, and I've haven't had the funds to drop on tips for that yet! I'm too busy buying different mods, atty's and juice at this point! All the best to you, and I sure hope blowing out the atty's works!
  11. For the 510, sometimes if they are flooded at high voltage even, they take a bit to get hitting. If it's still getting warm to the touch, or even hot, then it may totally be flooded. I would blow it out, and try fresh with putting 2 drops in, and giving it short bursts on the button. I've had a couple of atty's that just died when hitting them with high voltage though too.... As for tips, there are brass dripping tips, available at supertmanufacturing. My link Or you can cut the bottoms of the carts off; I do this on all my 510's. The other method which I just started, is using pen grips, the rubber kind, and sliding them down the body of the atty. You can then drip freely, and it seems to help with airflow, and also helps you to not get juiced when you have dripped too much. Hope this helped a bit!
  12. -------------- Doc, I hear ya here.. But IMO the better way would be to run two 18650's in parallel. You could get the 3000 Mah batts like I have for the Silver Bullet, run it at 7.4 volts, regulate it down to 5 volts, and have it last a full 2 - 2 1/2 days... The box gets bigger, but who cares if you can vape 5v mobile for 2 days without battery issues...
  13. My 2 cents on the topic... I have been using the same 302 penstyly atomizer, which is similiar threading to the 801 atomizers at 5v and 6v. The first I have used at 5v soley, on my VPPT for 2 months now, no issues, except it does not vape well at 3.7v anymore, but that's to be expected. The second atty is another 302 I have had rocking on my Silver Bullet at 6v for a full month now. I like these atty's the best as I can drip up to 7-8 drops and to keep it wet, and it still vapes great. My second choice for high voltage is the Joye 510. The 302's are also made by Joye, so in my opinion and experience these 2 Joyetech atty's are the best we currently have for high voltage. I'm mixed on the HV atty's, since they effectively reduce the voltage, making your hv mod not much more than a standard 3.7. GrimmGreen's review of the hv atty's said as much, when he was able to flood the hv atty, on a 6v unit. Without trying one though, I'm on the fence.. As for suppliers of the 302's - Chris sells em here at the VT store (listed under 801/Penstyle), Dietsmokes has em, Ecigsupply carries em.. You can tell the 302's as they all have a distictive ring either pewter colored or gold on the bottom(threaded) end of the outside atomizer shell.
  14. I think it's the juice... All of the fruit flavors leave a terrible "aftertaste" in my atty's. They are really sweet at first, but tend to have a really terrible aftertaste. Maybe try cleaning the atty out, and switching to a different juice. It will take a bit to get the atty going again, but it should kill that bitter taste.
  15. Brian, The protected 10440's are too big, you can cram them in there, however they don't work as well. With the built in protection module in the JS, and the PCB on the battery, it does not output enough power... Gotta stick with the unprotected for the JS, but they are cheap. I just got 3 of em for under $9 bucks..
  16. Hey all, So we all know how the 302/304/801's tend to leak. I got some juice that's a little bit runny, so to I started adding a tiny bit of VG in to 3ml bottles to get it to vape better, and it certainly has. The side effect of this as it turns out, is that the glycerin tends to slightly clog the atty's a bit. If you vape it constantly, the draw gets harder and harder till you have to blow em out. But, if you only drip the blended juice every 9-10 dripping sessions, it really cuts down on the leaking! Downfall - now I'm carrying tons of bottles in my pocket everywhere
  17. I agree with Parked and Chris, the 302/304 will tend to leak, especially in the Janty Stick, mostly if you use the pouch and wear it on a belt or keep the unit vertical. I use my Janty Stick everyday, and I tend to over-drip, so I get a lot of liquid in the bottom if I don't vape it all out before setting it down or putting it back in the pouch. I've had one atomizer working for 4 months now, and it's my favorite as it gives great vapor and it's consistent, but she leaks terribly. That said, I still love it! Like Chris said, you may want to go to the carts to cut down on juice waste. I do occasionally do too, like at work, and sometimes while watching a movie so I don't have to take attention away to drip.
  18. Yeah I did research for 3 weeks before deciding.. I was looking the Prodigy V2, the Adaptever, the Silver Bullet, still gonna get a Joker when they are released..., looked at the Chuck. and I went with the Silver Bullet. It's 6 volt in lieu of 5 volt, but you can run it at 3.7 with a 186500 battery, and these last me for 2-3 full all day vapes. So it's pretty versatile.. A bit larger than the other units, but I like it. Happy B-day again, and happy vaping with whatever you get bro!
  19. Green, Happy Happy Birthday Bud!! I think you should get yourself a nice 6 volt mod.... I recently did and man life is much better now! No more 10 second drags, 3-5 seconds, 6 hits and I'm good to go
  20. I gave this a try with my 510 carts, and it works awesome! I went light on the juice in the cart, adding only 8 drops so I did not get juiced, but so far so good! I used the cross type cut in the silicone cap piece, with a tiny hole in the middle. It works better than any of the filler materials I have tried so far.. Good find Brian, and thanks!!
  21. There's a lot of talk going on around the batteries, because of this and a few other stories in the last week. These new LifePo4 batteries are truly NOT PROTECTED. They have no PCB board in them, no electronic fail safe to stop overcharging or overdraining. The Lifepo4 (phosphorous & oxygen) are marketed as safer than Lithium Ion, as they are basically a powder (phosphorous) material used to store the electricity vs a the liquid lithium. I have seen these batteries on tons of sites listing them as protected, when in fact in they are not. They have no PCB board, which will allow the batteries to over discharge, going below 2.2 volts, which is where you can get into trouble. CR2 batteries, which are the ones people use in the BB's to vape at 6 volts are ALL UNPROTECTED. There is no manufacturer curenntly making Protected cr2's. CR123A batteries however do come in both Protected, and NonProtected LifePo4 versions. Basically, I would never use a battery that does not have a PCB board for protection in it to protect against over charging and over discharging. That's where the trouble lies.
  22. Ahh, thanks BirdDog. I drip all the time, so I forgot about the cart capacity! DOH!!
  23. So I was cruzn the net checking out pv products and came across a new "510 Mega XL Atomizer". Looks to be new to the new market. So I checked out the pictures they have, and it looks identical to the std atty except it has an extended sleeve on the atty body. At first I wondered, why the heck make it with a larger sleeve... So I got to thinking and my only guestimation is that perhaps they would run a little cooler, more like 801 atty's and provide a tastier vape. Other than that, i can't really figure out why they would make the body longer. Here's the link: My link
  24. Right on! Congrats to you! We wish you all the best and much success!
  25. Ah Chickamala Man!
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