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About Hawk

  • Birthday 12/10/1978

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    Huntington Beach, CA

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  1. I'm pretty sure the 2nd gens are going to be Low Resistance. That's what everyone has been wanting.
  2. Email sent! Thanks Chris!
  3. Chris, I would snag up some of the 306 stuff from you. I have been vaping the regulard 306's lately on my SB @ 6v, and also the LR versions. I like the standard better, and at high voltage they almost keep up with YOUR 302's. (I made a bad move and ordered 302's from another vendor a while back and they sucked!) So yeah, get a small batch on your next order and pm me, I'll pick some 306 stuff up from ya.
  4. The liquids for mixing will usually be 36mg or higher, and will have no flavoring. They will be labeled such as: 60MG PG DIY for Mixing. These are flavorless, and intended for the addition of additional PG/VG and flavorings of the mixers choice. Hope that helps
  5. @ JeffB, Let me know how you like it brother. Haven't been on in a while, but I'm back in action now... Miss ya'll...
  6. Burn, Yet another excellent review bud! Excellent writing, to the point, and informative. Thank you for your input to us all!
  7. It sounds to me like the regulator is blown or not wired properly. I have had this happen to me a couple of times, with units I've purchse and built. If you have a multimeter, try testing it out, and that will let you know right away if the regulator is working or not. If it is, then it may be the break in.. It usually takes me a good 10 - 20 mins to break in a new 510 on HV. I start out with 3 drops, one puff, if it needs more juice, one drop at a time till I know it's wet. You have to take baby drags at once it is hitting, and allow a lot of cool down time before hitting it again. Once you start getting clouds out of it, then I keep it wet dripping only 2 drops at a time. It's a PITA, as I only get about 3 drags before dripping another 2 drops in, but it doesn't flood, and gives a good consistent vape. Another idea, is trying the 510 cartomizers. They are tough, and can handle HV extremely well. I fill em up, throw a drip tip on em, and just keep em wet dripping 5 or 6 drops about every 10 - 15 hits, so not to burn the filler. They also have a really light draw, which helps get massive airflow past the coil, which in turn creates more vapor as Air and heat create vapor. Hopefully this helps a bit!
  8. The 14500's Li-ion are longer because they have a protection circuit. The High Drain batteries do not require protection circuits, thus they are shorter. You can fill the gap with a magnet spacer, Clouds of Vapor sells em for $1.
  9. You can check out this site - I've ordered 302's from here before. The more you buy the better the deal, not exactly a five pack deal, but still a discount. My link
  10. Nero, Where did you get those? That sounds good to me. Are you gonna carry them?
  11. Yep, Chris, you did it now with that darn bulk order dealio. Now I'm gonna have to buy a grip of liquid from you, and my wife is gonna go bonkers! It's all worth it though!
  12. Hey Guys, I'm with a lot of what has been stated so far. That original link that Nana put up, regarding the blind and visually impaired contained a post from my brother, who is very almost totally visually blind. He drips as he uses the Silver Bullet at 6volts, although most of the time it is a total pain for him. He ends up with juice all over him, and not in the atty. That said, I think a longer lasting battery, such as in the wetbox utilizing the 14500, or the Ego would be the best bet, using a cartomizer. I know a few seniors who are blind, and who smoke, as my mom lives in a senior community now, and and boy they smoked a lot, so I imagine that she would vape a lot too. A longer battery life is the way to go. The standard 510's don't last worth a hoot, but the aforementioned batteries will last most of the day. Getting back ups (batteries), and having someone to help her charge them should do the trick. As far as atty's go, I think the cartomizers might work best. I have yet to try the 510 carto's, but I started out vaping on the KR808d's and they worked well, and if the 510 carto's are as good as the reviews and talk of em, I think they should suffice. Summing it up, I think the wetbox, or Ego with 510 carto's sounds like the ticket.
  13. Hey, Stay safe out there! I'm right around the corner from you, and moved here from Downey, so I know what you're dealing with. Keep it tight bro. Congratulations on your soon to be addition to the family! As Dave said, it is a wonderful blessing, and HE will provide for ya'll. Glad to see you back.
  14. Woohoo! Congrats Poppa! Man, I'm happy for you! A better quality of life for your son, your all. And too boots, a kick butt ride. That's just awesome. I read your post about you turning him on to the Ego, and I'm sure glad it's working. Good Job Pops!
  15. I still vape with the windows cracked. My wife thinks I'm nuts, she doesn't mind me vaping anywhere, the car or house, but whenever I crack the windows she says "what are you doing?" Some habits die hard!
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