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  1. Decent health food stores (not GNC) generally carry food grade VG. The VG you can get at CVS, Walgreens, etc... is not always labeled as food grade, though it probably is food grade. More expensive at the health food store, but I prefer to know that it is food grade VG.
  2. At Indy Vapor, search the term silicone and the caps will come up. They've changed their website recently, and I've found somethings don't pop up unless you specifically search for them.
  3. Well, a day in, and it still rocks. The only problem is that the battery charger I have, that will work with the 18350 batteries, is dead. Guess once this second battery dies, it's back to the Ego batteries until I can get a new charger delivered.
  4. Indy Vapor Shop, out of Indianapolis, has the soft caps. Something like $1.25 for 10. I also ordered some from another supplier, CigNot I think, but I'm not sure.
  5. Well, I placed my order for a mini on Monday afternoon, and I just received it in the mail today. I'm getting ready to be gone for a little over a week on a business trip, and was figuring I wouldn't get it until I got back home. Quite the nice surprise for me. So far, I'm digging it.
  6. Welcome. I've been using the Ego-C since it first came out a few months back. Have some patience, as there is a bit of a learning curve to using a tank system, but overall I'm satisfied with it (at least for now). I'm by no means an expert, but if you have any questions, I'll do by best to help.
  7. I've had an Ego-C since December, and had nowhere near the leaking issues the OP has mentioned. I've noticed that when the tank gets really low, I've had a small amount of leaking down the outside of the cone. I also had some very slight leaking once when I filled a tank too full. I'm wondering if it could be either the cone, or the atty base not holding the atty correctly?
  8. A soak in vodka should do it. I actually use 90% rubbing alcohol. Soak overnight, and a quick rinse with water. Let it dry for a day or so. I've been switching between two atty's for almost a month now. Just clean one when it starts misbehaving, and stick the other one in.
  9. Looks just like the one I picked up. Only downside I've seen is that it doesn't have the 5 click turn off. 5 clicks just cycle through the different voltages. Gonna have to be careful if I stick it in my pocket.
  10. Update: I just switched to a juice that I thought was somewhat lacking in flavor with the stock battery. It definitely brings the flavor out better at the higher voltage.
  11. I just picked one up at a brick-and-mortar store today. I've only been using it for a couple of hours, so I can't give much of a review. However, I do notice a slight vapor/flavor difference at the higher voltage. The one I got is not a Joyetech product. The only marking that may be manufacturer is SGS on the box it came in.
  12. Just wandering if there were any vapor meets in Indiana that anyone knows of
  13. I'd actually recommend saline nasal gel. Just a little dab in each nostril, and your good for a few hours.
  14. I'm probably not a heavy vaper, probably average. An Ego 650mAh battery lasts me at least most of a day. I am using a 1000mAh passthrough battery at the moment, and have been vaping on it for 2 days now. Will probably have to recharge it soon, but I'll just switch to my charged 650mAh one. A plus with the Ego battery, all your 510 atty's, carto's, etc will thread right on to it. Edit : It's bigger than the 510, but not much bigger diameter than a fountain pen.
  15. Ahhh, good old percussive maintenance... lol
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