Been doing this about 2 months now. I already hate the taste of analogs but was missing something still. Tonight when I vape all i can say is oh my gosh, yea baby
I can make it a week then I feel I just have to have a throat hit so end up smoking but kelp trying other stuff. This is giving me the throat hit I was missing.
Thanks for all of the help. Got my boge Lr cartomizers in today. Oh my gosh I love them. The closes thing I have had to that sweet spot you talk about. Great throat hit and favor. Woohoo
Thank you so much. I got the monsters carts and monster atty but what to try the some Lr.atties. Bought the empty tanks but didn't get what I need to go with it. Should have bought a kit.
I just ordered the ego 1000mah with a monster atty. Don't know what that means but hope i didn't mess up. Don't even know if that is a Lr are what. Any feed back would be helpful. Thanks
I am new also. I just ordered the ego 1000mah with a monster atty and monster carts plus tanks. Will this work together and what are your thoughts on this? Thanks