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Everything posted by doglips

  1. hummm Im 45 yrs old. been smokeing since I was a kid. I have kids, teenagers, I do not belive they would, do, might have any problems getting analog smokes. Pot is aginst the law and people buy it. The pay pal keeping us safe. I purchased a ladder with pay pal. a Hilti nail gun, uses 22cal blanks to shoot a nail into steel.....and power tools, with pay pal, I know I could hurt myself alot more, and faster with that stuff than the 801 I ordered. I find polaticians funny, going to protect doglips and the rest of us from a e-smoke...but I can walk into any home depot, lowes, as you any of you....load a shoping cart with a circuit breaker box, 100 amp brakers, wire and electrical tools and no one trys to stopus..ask if I (we) know what we'er doing, if were too stupid to be buying this stuff. Im not a doctor, FDA person, but Im willing to bet that IF I pork up while wireing a 100amp circuit, while holding the 801 in my mouth, it will be the amprage that kills me, not the 801....but I bet the news crews would show the 801 on TV and not the Home Depot recipt.
  2. I don't understand why they are trying to ban e-cigarettes? What is the logic in banning them, when analogs are not being banned? Why does Pay Pal let some suppliers uses them but not others? Thanks All.
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