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Everything posted by nailchica

  1. Youtube is a great source for info. It makes more sense when you can SEE someone use, take apart, and refill different types of ecigs. Good luck! I love mine! Ive got a "tank" style now, which is an upgrade from the stik type I started with. There are lots of different styles out there from lots of different companies, so I know it seems overwhelming, but dont give up. You will eventually find the style, flavor, vender(s) for you. Its just a matter of trial and error. I know where I live there are no places I can pick up supplies when i need them. Everything I have I've had to order online, but most companies have really great customer service and are happy to answer your questions. The forums are a great place to start. Just keep researching and pick everyones brain. Hope this helps. Keep calm and vape on
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