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Everything posted by sickofsick

  1. Thank you all so much! Can anyone recommend an e juice that would be similar to marlboro mediums?
  2. Thank you! If I get the starter kit, any guess how long it lasts before I have to order anything else? I did read all the noobie info. It was informative for sure but got overwhelming as this is all so new to me
  3. Hi everyone! I am still smoking and need to quit!! Going to try the e cig but am sooo overwhelmed with all of the info! Hoping you all can clear some things up for me/make recommendations? I currently smoke aprox a pack a day of Marlboro mediums. I am without access to a charging supply for over 12 hours a day. Could someone please, please just tell me what exactly I need to buy to get started without risk of smoking again? Also, are any of the "parts" available in local stores or do I have to order it all on line? Also, if I order a starter order, how long will that last me? I need to do this all ASAP before smoking kills me! I know the best option would be to quit completely but I live a very high stress life and just can't seem to do it. I have tried patches, meds, gum....nothing works so far Thank you!
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