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Electric Rider

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Electric Rider last won the day on October 12 2011

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  1. That sounds good thanks. I'll keep that in mind when I get around to trying Boba's Bounty. Not too big on tobacco flavors but most don't really taste like tobacco anyway. Like the Wyatt Earp tobacco flavor I like from FreedomSmokeUSA - to me it taste like strong tea bags smell. One things for sure, Boba's Bounty has to be good because they are always running short on supply I hear.
  2. Very cool chart. This will come in handy when I next have to try to help a new vaper pick a style to start off with. Personalty right now I'm stuck on regular size CE2's, and 306 for dripping. I find the CE2's work better for flavor and cloud formation and than dual coils. I use them on 3.7 Riva batts or my awesome Old Goat 5v mod.
  3. I have been meaning to try Boba's Bounty, just haven't gotten around to it yet. I know someone who swears it's a treat because it can taste distinctly different from one vape to the next out of the same bottle. He says the flavors seem to actually change into something totally different. Nutty huh? Is it sweet too? I love peanut butter vape but hate Hazelnut. Which type of nutty would you guys say Boba's Bounty is?
  4. That depends on what type of feeling your getting and what the percent of ingredients there are in your liquid. If you have a burning throat hit it may be due to some additive some flavors are made with. Most e-juice is a mixture of liquid nicotine, FDA approved flavorings like those used in baking and propylene glycol (PG) or vegetable glycerin (VG) or both. Sometimes too strong liquid nicotine can cause throat discomfort too. Many people find VG smooths out the TH. VG also has the effect of making the vapor thicker and fuller when you exhale. On the down side VG can reduce the flavor a little bit or all together depending on how much you use. Depending on the type of e-cig you have you may not be able to add VG to your liquid to smooth it out. Some pre-filled e-juice cartridges are not refillable. If you have the type that can be refilled you may want to try adding a drop of two to your liquid if you can find VG locally. That's a tough order. Most people order VG over the net. You may be able to find it at a health food store or pharmacist listed as USP grade vegetable glycerin. You may have to call around to find the best price but its cheap and a bottle say 16 oz's will last you forever. I have read that you can buy the Humco brand USP Glycerin for about $3 dollars for a 177ml bottle at Walmart. It may just say glycerin on the label and should be found in the skin care department. If you cannot add VG to your liquid you may have to see if you can buy your pre-filled cartridges with a little more ratio of VG in them than they have now. other than that, I don't know what might help in a pinch if you need relief fast. Someone else may have a good answer for this.
  5. Ah. I may have tried to edit a post after 30 minutes and that's why I didn't see an edit button. Thanks.
  6. Thanks! Er.. I may be blind but I can't find the edit button. Do we have an edit button here?
  7. I personally do not agree with the if you cant smoke there don't vape there rule. It's fine if thats your thing but it's not for me. I feel if people see up abstaining from vaping in places where you can't smoke they will think, so those are just as bad as cigarettes. I don't want that, I want the opposite, so I vape everywhere. In 6 months no one has asked me not to vape in their business place. This includes fast food restaurants Wal-Mart, Home Depo, Lowes, Malls etc. Lowes is supposed to have a no vaping policy but it's not posted publicly in the store. I know Wal-Mart has a no vaping policy for the employees, they have to vape outside on their breaks. I have had people from both stores come to me and ask me where they can get an e-cig for themselves or a loved one. I have had store managers tell me it's o.k. if I vape there because they understand there is no second hand risk to them and they believe the corporate policies were made out of fear and ignorance. Today we know so much more about e-cigs than they did even 8 months ago when I started studying them. I used two months to study the pros and cons, who was saying what and if they had an agenda before I tried them. I guess word of the truth is trickling down to the common man. I believe that vapers should be seen and heard. Of course if asked to stop, I won't simply say O.k. I'll put it down and stop - I will use that as an opportunity to educate. I will say I will stop if they insist, but to quell their fears I will demonstrate the e-cig, tell them of the studies that show there is no risk to others, show that they cannot smell it so it would not bother anyone, explain to them it's no different than using a medical nicotine inhaler ( which they could not refuse you to use because it's "medicine") and finally how i believe this wonderful tool has saved my life from a horrible painful death, then ask them to reconsider - but if they insist, I will be happy to stop. This hasn't happened yet. I do normally talk about all those things when ever people stop me and ask me about the e-cig. people for the most part are curious and want to know more. By me vaping in public I have helped save lives and to me that's what it's all about. That's the best reason to keep vaping everywhere. Just think, your choice to not vape could help cause someone who really needs an e-cig to not be exposed to them, and thus they may die a horrible painful death. At least it's worth a try until they make you stop I believe. Am I out to save the world? YES! Thats just my take on it, you have to do what you are comfortable with.
  8. Hiya folks. I'm not new to vaping, been vaping for 6 months. I need to make 3 points so I thought I'd introduce myself. I guess this forum got me because I was a member of the other popular forum and got banned under false pretenses. They said I was acting as an unregistered supplier only because I asked in the general forum who the best wholesale suppliers were. I asked meaning to start an e-cig business. I was not selling any e-cigs, just asking for info. It is against that forums rules to advertise in the general forum if you are a supplier who is unregistered with them. I am not yet a supplier nor was I advertising anything. They never returned my e-mails asking them to look over the post proving what I say is true. The proof is there on the servers but they don't want to be bothered. After making friends and helping a lot for folks for the past 6 months this is how my community service was rewarded. Oh well it is their loss. I'm not bashing the un-named forum, the members there are great and so is all the info they have. I believe in honesty, truth and e-cigs. I was a smoker for 22 years and nothing I tried would help me quit until I tried e-cigs. I believe they are life savers for smokers. I love talking about all aspects of e-cigs and being a part of a community who's focus is on helping spread the word about these wonderful things. I look forward to being active here. My nick Electric Rider has nothing to do with e-cigs but another favorite niche device from China. I own and use for daily transportation a 48 v 750 watt Electric Bike. She does 25 miles per hour wide open with a range of 20 miles between recharges. (This is fast for a bicycle) It requires no drivers license or insurance where I live. I commonly beat traffic by using the side streets and not having to stop for red lights. Fun to ride, just like using the e-cig is fun to vape.
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