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Everything posted by Vapor303

  1. Thank you all for the very warm welcome. I am excited to really dig in to this. I am going to try to convert all of the smokers in my world to vaping but I know this will be a challenge at first. I believe christmas is going to be a great time to give the gift of vaping to my family and friends. Do any of you have any suggestions on how to approach this given that none of the smokers in my life even know about this? I was thinking that for my sister i would get an eGo with a pack of 501 standard carts and a few bottles of different juices. What kind of juices are good for luring smokers into this type of product? Most of them are Marlborough Light smokers. I do have one person who is newport smoker. I would appreciate any advice you have to offer. I think that once they make the switch they will never go back to analogs. I sure won't.
  2. Hello everyone out there in Vapor Talk Land. I am new to the world of Vaping and I am so happy to be here. I never thought that I would find a solution to my addiction to cigarettes and I am in love with this hobby. I unfortunately came into the hobby via an outrageously expensive Smoke Fifty-One mall vendor. But it was totally worth buying that device because it has brought me out of the fog of analog cigarettes. I hope to learn a lot here and I am truly looking forward to scouring the awesome resource of knowledge you have provided here. Cheers and Happy Vaping Everybody! V303
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