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keenan last won the day on April 14 2011

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About keenan

  • Birthday 08/08/1960

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  1. Thank you Nana. but YOU wear 50 a WHOLE lot better than I wear it. Youre still in a 35, right. Hodgehound, ( I just cant spell that right for some reason), I had a Takamine acooustic 6 string and a 12 string. AWESOME guitars. I traded in for Ovations, and I love the sound of them above any other guitar, but that shell back is just impossible to get used to. The martin is me favorite, hands down. I just got a hold of an old demo CD from my old band, Ill have to post them on here soon. I wrote and recorded quite a few songs back in the day. LOVE music. Its me only vice anymore. LOL.
  2. I play guitar as well. Always love to watch a fellow musician. HI GUYS !! Me first post after welcome back ! Let the Pa-tay begin ! Oh wait, I just turned 50 last week. Better tone it down. JeffB, shuddup, I know you got somethin smart to say.
  3. It will definitly take a week or more for your tastebuds to come to life. When I first started, they all tasted the same. But the longer distance you put between your last analog and your next vape, it just keeps getting better and better. So I wouldnt judge too harshly just yet. Give it some time.
  4. Hmmmm. It seems I have seen them, but Im not sure. If no one else here knows, you might wanna try calling Jeff @ Wordupecig.com, or Arno @ Awesomevapor.com. They both would be glad to answer any questions you might have, and steer you in the right direction. If its any consolation, at first I wasnt sure if Id like the manual button, and was kinda avoiding the 510 because of it. But, after using one for 4 months, its really NO hinderance whatsoever. In fact, its a GOOD thing. The battery is safer, and lasts longer. Just food for thought.
  5. This REALLY boiled my blood. I find, on a daily basis, something in the news that makes me wanna scream at the top of my lungs. http://www2.tbo.com/content/2010/jan/05/court-jailed-felons-wash-should-be-allowed-vote/#comments
  6. Dr. J, you find the neatest articles ! Thanks
  7. @ Nana and kitsune - once again, great minds think alike. If anyone has any doubt that alcohol related traffic accidents are FAR worse than cigarettes, I recommend they ride a shift with an EMT until they respond to one. Hate to bring everyone down, but the WORST call I ever responded to was an accident where a drunk driver plowed into a station wagon carrying a family froma night of Christmas shopping. 3 children, 2 adult females, dead. The drunk was standing by his vehicle, not a scratch on him. ( Drunks turn to rubber during an accident due to slow reflexes ). Now, this guys life is clearly over because of a stupid decision, and a family is gone forever. As some of you may know, I come from a family of cops. My cousin was a New York State Trooper who was hit head on by a drunk driver on 1981. Both he and his partner were killed instantly. My cousin left a wife and 2 children. The irony, the drunk that hit them was a good friend of my cousin. I believe he is still in jail. I apologize. I have no horror stories for cigarette related accidents Ive responded to. Now, for the long term health problems caused by smoking, my view is, thats MY choice to do so if I wish and it affects ME. And no matter HOW much I smoke, Im not gonna take a family out with me. Unless Im havin a few gin and tonics with my cig.
  8. Need to know what model your driving and what gas your usin before we can give you any advice. Usually, the higher the nic content, the better throat hit. So if youre using 11 or 18mg, you might wanna bump up to 24mg. What unit are you using ? If not a 510, you might wanna consider one, theyre vapor cloud monsters.
  9. COOOL ! Fresh fish comin to the tank ! Good job Dave !
  10. Ok people. You woke up the monster ! LOL. This is, plain and simple, capitolism eating itself. The pendulum has swung from satisfying the consumer, to satisfying the supplier. Consumer rights is a thing of the past. Its evident in MANY situations. When you go to the supermarket, and swipe your card, and in some cases even write a check, by the time you get home the funds have been withdrawn from your account. The bank knows the moneys there, and poof. Its gone. Now, how come when I deposit a check, it takes 3 days to clear ?. Ive had it explained to me in Bankerspeech gobbldigook. I dont care. Its wrong. Whats ggod for one transaction should be good for another. CLEARLY, the technology is there. Last month, I had a wonderfully warm conversation with my Credit Card company, Bank of America. Times being what they are, I am always close to the max. This month, I still had 8 dollars before I reached my limit. BEFORE. I looked at my account online one day, and there was a $35.00 charge for "Over The Limit" fees. Whoa ! Wait a second, Im not OVER the limit. Now, this is when Holly was in the hospital, so I was in an unusually more chipper mood than I am on most days. So, I called them. After pressing 1 for english, then 4 other numbers to get to the person I needed to talk to, I explained " Theres a charge on my account for being over the limit, but Im not over the limit". The woman on the other end said " Ok, Ill take that charge off your account right now." I said " Thank you, but why was it there ?". She said, " Dont worry, its been taken off". Im gettin a little agitated now. I said " Ok, thank you, but Id like to know WHY it was on there. Was it an over the limit fee, or an " Almost Over the Limit Fee". ? Id like to make sure I dont make the same mistake " She said, and Im seriously quoting here " Sir, its been taken care of, is there anything else I can help you with ?". I was absolutely speechlees. I know it sounds humorous, but that is word for word the way the conversation went. I caught them red handed charging me for something I didnt do. I got to wondering HOW MANY people get duped like this and DONT call. I have SOOOO much more to say, but I gotta run out for a few. Ill come back later and finish my rant.
  11. Oh DAVE ! The Horror ! Youve NEVER had Private Stock ? 555 is good. Before I had KPS itwas my main vape. But, KPS is to 555 what Dom Perignon is to Ripple !
  12. Hey Dave, wanna put in a good word for me.
  13. It was just so I didnt confuse a noobie who might run to the store looking for "Keenans Private Stock". Once hes been here a week, THEN he'll get the memo.
  14. I smoked Camel Wides for 30 years. Sad news. None of em really taste like em. But none of the "brand" juices do. Wordupecig has a camelwide thats the best Ive had. But you gotta remember, theres no combustion with e cigs, so your not gonna get the same taste. My FAVORITE juice id VaporTalk Traditional Tobacco. Its all I use, and being a camel smoker, you might like it too. Any 555 juice is as close as Ive found. Hope this helps
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