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Everything posted by tmbrown

  1. I've noticed the same thing on all my sticks. You don't have to push the button either. I think it's because the battery momentarily breaks contact, and that three flashes is the signal that the battery is installed correctly.
  2. I've tried both samplers (PG and reduced PG) of the new formulations and can't say I'm thrilled with either. There are a couple of good flavors, but most just taste 'off'. I wish they hadn't changed, I really liked the old formulas.
  3. That juice on the side is mostly condensation. It won't hurt anything, unless you leave it in there for a very long time. Dropping it in water is not recommended, but if it does happen, dry it thoroughly and it'll probably still work. They're pretty easy to take apart too, if you need to.
  4. Just filling out my quota of posts here, but I add 6 or 7 drops to my stick and I find it lasts about as long as 3 or 4 analogs. I only drip that much to avoid overfilling it and flooding the atty (and the stick). You'll find that if you add a few drops of VG to your juice it wil thicken it up some (and produce more vapor) and reduce the chances of flooding. Good luck.
  5. A lot of the suppliers that specialize in juice carry DIY materials, including small plastic bottles, syringes, pipettes, etc. as well (if you're trying to one-stop-shop).
  6. Janty Stick. IMO, the USB inline charger completely separates this device from the herd.
  7. I betcha, after a while, you'll prefer one of thos much more than the others and will only carry the others as a backup, rarely used.
  8. Second (or third or fourth) the motion, manual is the way to go.
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