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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Congrats to you...94+ days. I can't get over how easy it was. The bulldog pic. came off the internet illustrating his position over the ice. After 60+ days of over 100++ degrees in a row down here in TX, I went crazy over this guy all sprawled out cooling himself off. Say "hi" to Tula
  2. Just have to jump in and agree wholeheartedly (sp?). Ran into my reg. conv. store today for a drink and mentioned my e-cig to the counter lady :secret:Lots of smokers in my teeny tiny town who are desperate to quit. Suggested they get on the internet and look at FV. Wish there were more local retail avail. for folks who can't shop online. My first purchase was the pricey and disappointing result of not enough research. Have managed to remain tobacco free 3+ weeks and my e-go tank is on the way . What I really love is being able to vape anywhere (well almost). No more spouse complaints. love the smileys
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