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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Welcome to Vapor Talk Eric!!!
  2. But won't post the links because he just wants to tease you.
  3. They did for a bit but I found if i just vaped a little more it went away. Good luck and stick with it!
  4. Welcome to Vapor talk!
  5. Welcome to Vapor Talk Bettina!!!
  6. Welcome to Vapor talk Aurora!!
  7. Welcome to Vapor Talk Dude! There should be a box with "more reply options" that will let you upload a photo. I'm not sure what the limit is set at for posting but you may have to have 5 posts to upload pics. You're almost there-LOL.
  8. I believe it is an unflavored-unnicced vg liquid. That said, it may give you more vapor but you'd be cutting down on the nicotine and flavor.
  9. An update on the latest #ModHolder I made. Let me know what you think.
  10. Mark


    Uma has it spot on. I removed your duplicate post for you.
  11. Thanks for telling your story and welcome to Vapor Talk. As I'm sure you know, you can't push your husband too hard (I've been married 21 years and my wife figured that out early-LOL). All you can do is encourage him and maybe tell him to check out the forums. Good luck!
  12. Welcome to Vapor Talk Mike!!
  13. As your atty (carto) ages it changes resistance and you would have to adjust your voltage to get the same vape. With VW it maintains the same vape as resistance changes by automatically adjusting the voltage.
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