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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hey Mspinner, I just started mixing my own as well. The first thing you'll need is some unflavored pg. I got mine from diyflavorshack.com. Then you might want to download ddavelarsons juice calculator-- http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/topic/4081-juice-calculator/ The main thing is to be carefull w/ the nicotine.. read and heed all warnings. It'll probably take you a few tries but it is a fun little hobby. I'll be in the chat room tonight (probably from around 6 until 9 est)if you have any specific questions---i'd be happy to try to answer. Good luck and I'll talk w/ you soon.
  2. Got my VG from diyflavorshack.com----some good flavors too.
  3. Don't push it Brian---You know my weakness---
  4. Thanks for the review guys. Now I have to go and spend more money for new toys. Will it ever stop? Just kidding of course --I always like to try new things and this probably would not have been a choice of mine but since y'all seem to like them I'll order some and give them a try. Thanks again.
  5. Enjoyed Goodfellas again last night..Classic
  6. Dave, Thanks for all of your work with the calculator. I know it helped me alot. Your contributions to this forum have been most valuable. Thanks again and happy vaping!!! edited to add +1 for the post
  7. Hey Dave, I just started mixing my own a couple of weeks ago. The main thing I found was to add a little flavor at a time since everyones taste is different. Just start w /a small batch (3ml) and record your proportions so you can recreate it into larger batches. using 30% flavoring, I made tangerine that was great and rootbeer that tasted like . But your calculator worked wonderfully for me. Thanks and most important---have fun!!!
  8. Welcome to the forum. As many have said, the 510 is probably the best starter. I know it does not meet all of your requirements but I think you'll find that after you've been vaping for a while your expectations change. Try it out. You will not be disssapointed. And please feel free to ask any questions, Thats what we're here for.
  9. Welcome to the forum jot. Try this and see if anything will work for you. http://www.liberty-flights.com/product.asp?id=26
  10. Well said snubber, and thank you Christopher.
  11. As long as they are stored in a cool dry place away from sunlight, they should be ok. As far as the empty bottles go, I am looking at about 30+ myself that i have been saving. I've never been much of a hoarder but i just can't seem let them go---lol
  12. Alright Joseph, you've really gone and opened up a can of worms now---lol. There are many opinions on this, What I have done in the past is to use an ultrasonic cleaner w/ distilled water then blow them out with an air compressor. The other option is to let the atty drain upside down overnight on a paper towel. The third option that I ended up with (probably because I'm lazy) is to just stock up on attys and replace as necessary. The main thing to remember is if you are going to get the atty wet---make sure it is dry before putting it back to use (blow it out or use paper towel to dry it). Hope this helps. Now I'll sit back and watch all of the other opinions come in---lol.
  13. Hey again Kport, Yeah most vapors usually switch to direct dripping or at least using a cart and topping it off. you can get any 510 carts to use with the spade. What I normally do is use the "fluval" mod (another topic) fill it w/ juice and drip a couple of drops on the atty. And don't worry about asking too many questions, thats what we're here for.
  14. Hey Snik, You're on the right track. it is 24 mg of nicotine per ml. I was a heavy smoker--2 packs a day for 30 years and I vape 24mg. I find I vape between 4 & 6 ml per day (results will vary-everyone is different). Just listen to your body, if you are getting headaches or get dizzy, just try to cut back a little. I hope I've helped but if not I'm sure others will join in. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  15. OK, I don't know where to start so I'm going to keep this real short. I get so upset when I read these "studies" especially when they are lopsided toward one way or the other. Just give us all the facts. But Eissenberg said he's concerned about comments he has seen on blogs that some e-cigarette users are "dripping," or letting liquid from the devices' cartridges fall directly onto the heating element.---------So, did he study this? Not mentioned. While the cartridges contain 16 milligrams, they can be refilled from bottles labeled as containing 500 milligrams, or 10 times the toxic dose, he said. Don't let ddave see this, he'll go nuts thinking 100mg was the strongest---lol. "If people are reporting what they are reporting about cravings, the data suggest it's not because of the drugs in the device," he said.-----WHAT? if that's the case, why do they need to be regulated? Enough for now---I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise.
  16. Hey Wannavape, I get that same feeling as well. I think it is the pg. (kinda feels like phlem in you throat) I just try to drink alot of water and remember that this is so much better than the burning feeling and taste of analogs (ewww). I think if you vape too much (like i have a tendancy to do) you are more likely to have this feeling.
  17. Welcome 44mag and be prepared to be blown away. Vapor Talk and this forum rock. Christopher is a great guy and all the people on this forum are very helpful. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
  18. Another fantastic success story!!! Thanks for sharing Uma.
  19. That is correct. On the VP2 and the Spade you will notice that the bottom cap only screws on aprox 1 turn (using fine threads) so that it would blow off with little resistance as opposed to the atty end which screws on further. It's all in the design which most people don't bother to think about.
  20. The Ego is made for the 510 atty. You can order it from dietsmokes.com
  21. You guys are all too funny. Sorry, but I am not the most politically correct of us all.----lol
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