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Everything posted by Mark

  1. Hey starri, The first thing I would do is check the connection between the battery and the atomizor. Also, are you sure that the atty is good? Where did you order from? The only other thing I would suggest is to put them on the charger for a couple of hours, then check them. Let us know how it turns out.
  2. Moved to noobie questions and help
  3. Yeah, Jeff===I guess I scored a 0---couldn't find the test---lol
  4. Ok guys---I just posted my first video--2 parts. Take a look at it and let me know what you think. Don't be too tough on me though. edited to add the links---doh http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-155-noob/ http://www.vaportalk.com/forum/forum/index.php?/videos/view-156-noob-2/
  5. Welcome to the forums Scarlette. I see you got one of the bottles of "Trandition Tobacco"--save that bottle--it will be a collectors item (misprint) . I'm hoping to post a video for beginners on the forum shortly and it answers some of the questions you have posted. Also as I'm sure you have noticed, everyone on the forum here is very nice and willing to answer whatever question you may have. You can also find me in the chat room in the evening if you need any questions answered quickly. Enjoy the forum and happy vaping.
  6. Horanld, I agree with you. I love me some Dulcis. All of the VT flavors have become my goto vapes. Try the sweet Dawn...You'll love it!!
  7. Don't know Dr. J---I never set mine down
  8. Nice idea snubber. I use my pen cases to protect and carry my PVs.
  9. Yes I have noticed that the Ego eats more juice than the 510. But by the same token tha VP/VP REALLY loves to go through the juice. But this is like comparing the gas mileage of a volkswagon to a stretch limo. On the 510 I was going through 3-4ml a day. If using the VP/PT that goes up to about 5-6ml. I just consider the cost of vaping. Still a lot cheaper than analogs (and healthier).
  10. Hey Gweetus, I did the same thing last night at the japanese steak house here. Gotta love the responce. I gave away 5 VT business cards and think I may have made some converts. Good job. REPRESENT!!!
  11. Gotta love the comment section. +1 for you jmhester
  12. Hey Rawortley, I've ordered from Arno a couple of times. He is based out of georgia. The shipping from him is really quick. I don't think you will have any problem. You might want to get the 510 as a starter kit. I've gotta run, but if you have any other questions I should be in the chat room tonight from around 6 to 9 pm est. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. Beboe, Glad to hear Janty is taking care of your problem but I have 1 quick question. Are you sure it is the battery? The reason I ask this is because you said the battery light does come on. It really does sound like a connection problem. I'm sure you have already tried to clean the threads on the atty. Did you stick a paper towel in the top if the battery and dry it out? The other thing may be that the atty does not need to be screwed on so tight--overtightening may cause the bootom of the atty to push in too far and then it won't make good contact the next time you put it on. Just thought I would throw this out there so as to hopefully avoid future problems.
  14. Or you can use a sharpie or black paint to cover the led
  15. Alright, twist my arm. I'll be placing an order later tonight--lol. I like the idea of 3ml bottles to give as samples.
  16. VT Traditional Tobacco on the VP/PT VT grape on the ego VT dulcis on the VP2 my mix---orange creme on a 510 my mix---rootbeer on a 510 Yeah, Yeah I know---too much---but I like to switch my flavors often.
  17. Dang you're quick Jeff---beat me to it.
  18. I had 100-3ml bottles and 100-10 ml bottles in my shopping cart. When i went to check out the shipping was like $17.95---WTF----I exited the page. Maybe I'll go back later and break down and order.
  19. Looks like you got some good replies already. Usually 3-4 drops lasts about 7-8 drags for me. I vape 4-6ml of 24mg per day---I will occasionally start feeling that I have been vaping too much and just have to back off some. like Brian said, you just have to listen to your body. Good luck and please feel free to ask any questions you may have.
  20. You should also post this on the "e-cig chronicle". Nice find
  21. That's good Birddog----ddave-we have plenty of aliens aruond here i'm sure (Washington, DC)
  22. Mark

    Ecig Vid

    Nice find Brian---People really need to get informed though---this is the place to start. thanks for the vid.
  23. Moved to Noobie Questions & Help
  24. Moved to Noobie Questions & Help
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